20 mile bike ride

went on a bike ride with my parents and brother this morning (wabash trace trail). my brother just learned how to ride a bike about a month ago (at 16 yrs. old). at first i just took off and was doing my usual 20 mph. but then dad yelled at me. ryan can only do 2 mph. so i rode behind and was his cheerleader/drill sergeant to keep him moving. ryan is totally wiped out now, completely exhausted, which i think is hilarious.

parents decided to go to the arbor day farm. usually i would go with them, but they have been fighting horribly for so long now, i just do not want to put up with it anymore. so ryan and i have decided to go see lion king in 3D instead.

i have my car back!!!!!! happy days! it is amazing how wonderful to have easy effortless turning. before it was that i had to use my whole body weight to muscle any sort of turn. completely exhausting. i love easy turning. but the mechanic told me that some ball joint in my car is completely shot, and is a safety hazard if i don't get it fixed. joy. i swear my car is nothing but a money sucker. but i'm going to talk to one of my fellow baggers at work tomorrow who is a self mechanic and see if he will still do it for cheaper. hopefully he will, and my car can be fixed.

i heard on the radio that subway has lion king lunchboxes with the kids meals, so i think it is subway for dinner tonight. i need a new lunch box, and a lion king would just be epic.
