i was almost a murderer

i almost killed a fly just now. i saw a bug in the shower when i was warming up the water and i smacked it, thinking it was the annoying mosquito that has taken up residence in my bedroom. but it was just my peaceful fly. it fell in the water and was drowning, so i rescued it. from looking at it it seemed like i had broken one of its wings and one of its legs. so i caught it and decided if it wasn't better by the time i finished my shower i would have to be merciful and squash it. but it's fine. when i released it, it fly around and seemed just fine, the wing isn't broken after all (though it was still limping). fun fact though, you know those little paper cups you but for the bathroom? yeah, they aren't flushable.

today was all work. worked at the grocery store all day then spent the evening doing childcare at church. i taught my class a new game. it's called hopping bunny. you make a circle of chairs, 1 less chair than the number of kids, and face each other. then on go, you run clockwise to the next chair. there's 1 person in the middle who has to try to get in a chair before the person reaches it. if you're to slow getting to your chair you're the next person in the middle. it was fantastic, all the kids loved it. but after 20 minutes of running in circles we were all panting and tired, so we had to play another game. i love my kids.

my new fav song! i love it!!!
