broken car part 2

i finally got a day to sleep in. it has been weeks since i got a chance to sleep in, so it felt so nice. i spent the morning relaxing on the couch while doing homework/watching phineas and ferb. and when mom came home she helped me try and shove my bike into the trunk of my car. one of my fellow baggers said he was 90% sure he could fix my car, so i took it to his house and biked the 7-8 miles back home. though i stopped at the store along the way for a little bit. coming home from the store sucks. because i live on top of a hill on top of a hill on top of a hill. exhausting.

i have to clean my cat's kennel today. yuck! she has a lot of accidents in her kennel, despite there being a litter box in the kennel, so it's really gross to clean. but i'm going to water aerobics class with some friends tonight. they said they'd be willing to pick me up and take me to class. and they live near my mechanic coworker so i can pick my car up after class. i really hope he can fix it.
