lapse in memory

today had a bad start. on Tues/Thurs my first class starts at 8:30. but for some reason this morning i thought it started at 9:00. so i was late to class. and we've started a project of sorts, so i also missed the instructions. but in my 2nd class we had a quiz, and i feel really confident that i did well. i do know i defiantly missed 2(i forgot to study the styles), but other than that i know i did good. in my 3rd class we've started a group project, which i am NOT enjoying. we have to do an installation art. first we had to decide on a potential spot, then what we could do with it. but my team mates started off by shoting down every one of my suggestions, then just ignored me all together. but the teacher said after the group project we are going to do the same project over again but as individuals. i so cannot wait to not have to deal with partners. i don't get along with basically all of my art classmates.
