
1. What language(s) are you most interested in learning, and why?---german. i was born in germany. it would be nice to know some of the language when i finally go back to visit.

2. Favorite Pokemon? Why? If you don't know anything about Pokemon, WHY NOT?--ninetails. i'm not sure why, it just has always been my fav.

3. What's your favorite place you have traveled to and why? If you haven't traveled, where would you like to go and why?---i think my fav was when i went to florida in the winter to go to disney. when i left home it was around -20 degress, lots of ice and snow, bitterly cold. in florida it was 70 degrees, and the grass there was actually GREEN and ALIVE. i sat in the grass forever. i didn't want to go back to my snowy home.

4. Favorite book/manga series? Why?---probably boxcar children. it was my escape as a kid, and the mysterys are still fun to read.

5. What are you most scared of?---anything happening bad to my kitty mindy. she is my baby girl, i couldn't imagine losing her, she is my daughter.

6. What is you best trait?---i can teach. i love being a teacher. (i can't wait to graduate)

7. What is your worst trait?---i can't stay mentally focused sometimes. i have to have something with texture to play with in my hands to stay grounded (i usually tear paper or crochet, both of which annoy my teachers)

8. What Hogwarts House are you in? If you don't know anything about Harry Potter, WHY NOT?---i'd probably choose slytherin

9. What's the worst injury you have ever had?---i have injured both my knees running. now i can't hardly jog at the gym, and i have to wear knee braces when i exercise otherwise i re-injure myself. it's a pain to have to wear the braces all the time.

10. What's your favorite song?---at the moment, chasing cars by snow patrol. the acapella version i found on youtube.

11. Do you like your name, dislike it, feel ambivalent about it, or not care? Why?---my username, yes. i adore my username. i wish it was my real name. i hate my real name. it is extremly common. and a lot of the people with my name also have the same middle name that i have. it is a common combination. i hate it. my parents were terribly unoriginal. yuck.
