went to school again. i only have 1 class wednesdays and fridays. it was a good class though. i think i get the most out of that class than any of my other ones. then i was able to go to work. i miss being able to work every day. i miss my grocery store and my coworkers.
after work was water aerobic. the water wasn't quite as cold as monday, but we did something new today. it was all swimming instead of kicks and armwork. first for our warm up we swam down with the breast stroke (and that horrid frog kick. i hate the frog kick) and swam back with the freestyle. i don't like the free style either. strokes are uncomfortable for me, i usually doggy paddle. i'm very fast with doggy paddle.
but after 10 min warm up, we all got a board. we had to rest our arms on it and flutter kick back and forth for 15 min. when we reached the wall we couldn't touch the floor. we had to hold the board with our right hand, grab the wall with our left, tuck our knees in, kick off the wall and slap the board back on the water. the next 15 min was with the dumbbells, holding them vertical and doing the evil breast stroke/frog kick. last 15 was with this weird 2 floaties tied together. we had to hold them between our knees and use just our arms freestyle stroke. like a mermaid she said. it was a fun class.
mom made homemade pizza for dinner! and carrot cake cupcakes. cause survivor's on tonight. we love survivor.
my ring i bought on ebay arrived. it is a snake wrapping itself around my finger hissing. he is so cute. i love my snake.