i feel like i've told you guys more about myself with all these darn tags than i ever have in the couple of years i've been on theO.
1) What is your favorite animal?---cat
2) What is your favorite type of book and music genre?---for book, fantasy/sci-fi adventure, music is usually movie soundtracks
3) What is the funniest thing that happened to you recently?---I forgot when my early morning class started Thursday last week. I thought for some reason it started at 9, when it starts at 8:30. So I went to class and waited and no one ever showed up. Cause class had already started and they had all gone to the IDEAS room and started the project. I felt kinda dumb.
4) Do you like school lunches?---only the chicken patties. Those are awesome. I miss being in public school, my university’s chicken patties just aren’t the same. ;_;
5) Which superpower would you choose? Flight, lazor beam, super strength, or cat-like abilities?---I would love to fly, but even more than that I think I would choose the cat-like abilities. Cause I’m cat whisperer, remember.
6) Where is your happy place?---it is a land I have created in my head, a mash-up of various tv shows, cartoons and animes, where there is lots of yaoi, no homework, and no one nagging me. And millions of kitties for me to snuggle and love.
7) How do you determine a true friend (yes this is deep lol)?---someone that doesn’t abandon me when someone cooler/more interesting comes around. I have very few true friends. It is usually only a matter of time when one of my ‘friends’ ditch me for someone ‘better’. It still hurts, but I’ve come to expect it. So I rarely let someone be my friend. That’s why I love cats so much. They don’t ditch me. To my cat, I’m the coolest, bestest and most awesome person in the world, and they love me despite all my flaws.
8) What's your favorite hobby?---crocheting while listening to music with a cat on my lap sleeping. It relaxes me after a stressful day at school/work.
9) Are you a procrasinator (cuz I should totally be doing homework right now)?---totally. I’m currently working on perfecting the art of procrastination. My badge for work has been broken for nearly 2 months now and I can’t wear it, yet I still haven’t done anything to get it fixed/replaced.
10) Does anyone like brussel sprouts or lima beans? Because I find them both revolting vegetables.---I’m okay with lima beans. Just about anything is better than the aliens (mushrooms) my parent love.
11) Do you overthink things (like me!) or just stick to the point or answer, and be finished?---not really. I just go with my first thought and move on. Which makes the reflection questions assigned for homework difficult for me. My teachers complain I don’t think ‘deep’ enough. I just don’t think ‘deep’ though.