how time flies

i had my three classes today. and i had to work on my group project. but today was the sewing of the top of the cloth so we can slide a tension rod in it. i, being the only member with sewing experience, was in charge. i gave the 1 member who is nice to me a needle and showed her what to do, and together we sewed. it was nice. the other member, who is a major jerk, i completly ignored. he stood there for nearly a whole hour, bored and frustrated. he kept trying to offer suggestions and ask questions. and i ignored him, just like he ignored me. it felt nice to be the one in charge. i've discovered why i don't work well in group projects. i have a very dominate personality. i have to be the one in charge. not always of everything, but something. which is great considering i want to be a teacher. i need to take charge and control my classroom. but bad when i have to work in a team.

i meant to just be on theO for a few minutes tonight, then work on homework. i look at the clock, and it's 9:30, i still need to pack my bag for work tomorrow, finish packing my lunch, put my cat to bed (once i find where she is hiding) and go to bed. so it looks like i'll be doing my homework tomorrow.
