puppy bowl!

this morning, at 4:30, mindy decided she had energy and needed to run laps. i keep my bedroom door shut so the boys don't bully her at night, which means my room is her track. she jumps on me, runs down my bed, around my room, me, bed, room over and over. for and hour. thankfully she's really little. so she doesn't always wake me up when she jumps on me.

i ended up being late to work cause of car trouble. my door wouldn't latch shut (after i had to pry it open with a screwdriver, the door was frozen shut because of all the snow yesterday). i had to spray the heck out of my latch and hook with wd40. patra didn't notice me coming in late thankfully.

i was thinking work would be busy. i thought there would lots of people who had to buy last minute munchies for the superbowl. but it was so busy during the week, i don't think there were very many people left to shop. so it was a rather lazy day at work. but there was this one couple from out of state, who say they only come twice a year. they had 4 shopping carts mountain high full of food. i think it took an entire hour to scan and bag. i do not envy the bagger who had that order.

my parents and brother are currently glued to the super bowl. i, myself intend to watch the puppy bowl. with the kitten half time show. kittens beat madonna hands down any day of the week.
