No work is awesome

This week is spring break for the district i teach in. And i work lodging wed, thurs, and friday this week. So today and tomorrow i have rare days of nothing. My brother still had scho though ( i dont teach in his district) so he wasnt around to annoy me. I got up and went to the gym, it was boring. Mom and i have decided to drop our memberships to that gym, the drive out there is just too long. Plus ive bought a bunch of equipment that i learned how to use at the gym, so now i can just do it at home instead of driving all the way out there.

Came home, lunch and shower. Ive decided that before i begin sketching out my western kitty comic, i need to get the dialoge. So i spent 3 painful hours with the movie on subtitles. Id watch ti somebody said something and the subtitles popped up, pause the movie and write it down, play a few seconds, pause and write, repeat. Ive gotten a lot written, but im only maybe 30-45 minutes into the movie im guessing. Havent even gotten to the really good part. Dad came home and i had to turn it off really quick. Inwant to surprise uim with the comic, john wayne is his ultimate favorite.

But anyways, dad came home, and sice its super nice out today we went for a walk. Then a strongarmed the boys into helping me groom the herd. Of the 5 only 1 is mine. So why am i always the one grooming all 5. Cause theyre lazy. Ryan brushed sammie, dad texa, i bogart, and dad and i worked together on gus. Gus is just so damn fluffy he recquires extra hands. I still need to brush mindy, but im going to brush her inside. The boys lime going outside, but mindy is afraid, and old. She was attacked by birds when she was a kitten, so ill brush her in the basement the. Just vacuum up the evidence. The basement needs vacuumong anyway.

And i finally got rid of the mountain of laundry on my bed! My bed was more laundry that blankets.
