project go

yesterday was project go day for my church. we all assembled into groups, and scattered. some groups went to different peoples houses to fix them up and paint them and whatnot, some went to nursing homes, another group went to the highway to pick up trash, and another went to the rougher part of town to do something, but i can't remember what.
i tagged along with my friend livey and her parents. they were going to help fix up someones home. but i babysat with livey. everyone that was going help with the house dropped off food and little ones at miss kelly's house, and a group of us older kids babysat, and helped prepare lunch.

went to the gym, and managed to do 3.5 miles. that's the most i've managed to do so far. had a little kids meal from burger king from lunch, but now regret. it. my stomach is all upset, and i have a killer headache.

had to go to the hospital for refills on my meds today. but i was still slightly nauseus felling during the appointment, and that really sucked.

sammie loved his baby food. but i made him share. i don't think a whole jar would settle well with his stomach anyway. the adults tried it, but didn't care all that much. but both kittens loved it. bogart inhaled his, then tried to take sammies, so i had to keep an eye on him.
