new purse

last night, mom was haveing more extreme back pain. she said she was going to reschedule her dentist app. and go see the doctor instead. which means i had to take ryan to our app. joy. mom had us stop on the way home to get some snacks. i really don't like the dentist. i used to, when i was younger(and before i got braces). now the whole picking and scraping is really annoying. and lying pack like they make me, i feel like i'm going to drown in my own spit, cause i can't swallow cause of dumb dentist is to busy scraping to notice i'm dying.

i had to take a test in math class today. i spent the first half of class going over formulas and such, then took the test. katie, who sits next to me, and is in the same math as me, has no calculator. i have 2. a basic one, and a scientific one matt lent me. i let her borrow the basic one for the test. she started a ood 15-20 minutes earlier. but when i finished, she still had half of her test left to do. i took back my basic calc, and let her borrow the scientific one, and just told her to make sure she brought it back on monday.

i wanted to go swim in the gym today. but when i was getting my suit on, i discovered i didn't have the bottom half of my suit. so swimming was out. so i went to the library instead. i decided to search for more diary books. i found 2 shelves full of them. most i've already read, but there were even some princess ones that i haven't read yet. i was in book heaven. i grabbed i giant stack, found myself some comfy chairs, and spent the next two hours reading.

had to work today. it sucked. i made just enough to buy some lunch meat, peperoni, salami, and ant killer(which mom asked me to buy, because apparently, ants have invaded our garage) i got the kind that has the food that kills them. i think that's nicer than the spray. at least this way, they'll die with a full happy belly.

chris was over when i got home. i tried my new chicken lunch meat, and it is awsome, but the peperonis sucked. the were hard, slimy, and just tasted horrible. i threw them away. but i got a package. it's my new purse. my dad is in the military, the air force. and there's this lady in texas who makes patriotic purses, made from the camoflage shirts the military have to wear. dad got mom a purse made from one of his shirts, and i was immediatly jealous. so he gave me a shirt too. i just got it today.

when chris's mom and brother matt came to get him, matt came in for a moment. he had recently gone to south dakota to visit grandparents, and he said he had found something i might like. it's a hanging thing. it's a tabby cat, with angel wings, and below it says, "this home is blessed with love, laughter, friendship, AND A CAT" i absolutly love it. i've hung it in my room. it does fit my house, except we aren't blessed with just one cat, but four. but i still love it. i really like matt, and he's such a sweet guy.
