10 hours.

had to get up early, and be at work at 8:30. i took my book with me, for when there was no customers. evan and i took turns orginizing the shopping carts and bagging. i could orginize longer than he could, he tires easily. he is also horrible at keeping the carts nicely lined up in their rows. put when i had to take an order out, as i was walking back, i noticed a small piece of white cloth sitting on top of the garbage ben. i grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. turns out it is a small handkerchefe with a purple rose embroidered on it. jasmine said i was crazy. she said what it it belonged to someone with a horrible diease, and had coughed on it. i said she was crazy, i'm not scared. but for her sake i will wash it. i also found a toothbrush(still in it's package) i'm going to open it and try it out tonight.

we usually close at 6 on weekends, but last minute shoppers make a line for the checkouts that keep us working usualy for another 10-15 minutes. but today there was a very old lady, and at 6:20, was still shopping. the express lane was kept open. took forever for her to finish. someone in the office went and told her we were closed, and that she needed to hurry up. when she was doen, she wanted to check out at the self checkouts, but those were closed, and she made a fuss about haveing to use our express lane. but then she couldn't even pay. her daughter was going to, but she was shopping in the mini mall next door. so we had to wait for her. ihated today. i worked a little over 10 hours, and only made 76. had i been a reguler takeout bagger, i could have made closer to 100 or more.

mom and ryan are out of town, and state, so i have the house to myself. i baked cookies, and i get to eat them all myself, and don't have to share. i took some outside with a book when i took the kittens out. sammie is actually the only boy allowed out, but i feel so bad for bogart. he would love the yard. so i dug out mindy's old harness and leash, and strapped him up. i must say he looked really good in that harness. i put mindy's old collar on sammie. you know how glasses make some people look smart, well a collar makes sammie look smart. but the bell drove him nuts, and he kept chasing the sound, trying to catch the bell. he may look smart, but that doesn't make him smart.

when we went out, the fan for the ac was on, so bogart was really scared, and stayed on the deck, and layed in front of the patio door. once it turned off, sammie hung out for a bit to comfort his brother, but then took off for the grass. bogart slowly inched closer to me, where i was sitting on the top step so i could keep an eye on sammie, and then down one step at a time. but i got fed up with him, and just plopped him on the grass. but in my watching bogart, i had lost track of sammie, i panicked and dashes into the yard calling for him. i didn't care that i only had socks on, but sammie trotted over to me when i called and i scooped him up and told him what a good boy he was for coming when called.

sammie then went back out to eat some more grass, and check out our knomes, and bogart followed him very cautiously, with the leash following him like a long blue tail. i figured if he tried to take off, i could chase after him and stop him by stepping on the leash. it would stop him real sudden and give him a jerk, but i would have him back. but then the boys went under the deck, and i went to turn the page of my book, and pick up my plate of cookies. i looked up, and bogart was still there, but sammie was gone again. i ran over, and say the hole the rabbits had dug under the fence, and panicked. i had to get to the front yard and get him. but i couldn't leave bogart out here by himself. so i had to scoop him up real fast and put him inside, then i ran around front, and found him nibbling on our pine tree. i grabbed him and took him inside.

in that short time, bogart had gotten the leash stuck under the armchair, and was sitting there waiting for me to undo him. i took off the leash, then harness, and put them away, then took off sammie's collar. bogart's been avoiding me though. i think he's mad that i so abrubtly ended his play time.
