Hello everyone!! How are you guys? Good, I hope. I have finally succeeded in posting on my own home computer!! Yays!! *throws confetti* It's about time this damn thing let me on!! So, now that I have happily returned to theOtaku and all the other good theO/myO goodies, via my home computer, let's start this post, chall we?
So, firstly, where to begin? Next week, my mom has off from work the whole week and she says that this year we will finally be getting to the point of re-doing my room!! I've had to wait 2 long and gruesome years. And I finally get to redo my room! Yays!! My mom will be adding a desk as well as a new dresser and a bookcase (which is must needed for all my manga) into my room. Me'll be moving the old dresser out and my bed will be move to the exact opposite side of my room. Most things in my room will be rearranged to my liking, not to the way my mom says it should be. It's been the same old look since I first got the room, people, and now it's finally time for a whole new look.
My mom also says she's allowing me to draw on the walls. I can do whatever design I want, she said. I was originally planning to draw FF characters and all other different characters but with only a week off, the drawing will take too long and there won't be enough time to paint it all, so I've decided I'm going to put sakuras (cherry blossoms) on my walls. I thought it would be really cool. My mom says we may only be able to get one wall done to begin with, but that's fine. As long as it has some design, I'm good. I'm excited though! Yays!! I want to give it a bit of a Japanese feel, if you know what I mean.
Moving on, MY BEST FRIEND WENT TO AUSTRALIA!!!!!! She won't be back until the 21st!! It's sooo sad without her! And her 'rents wouldn't allow her to bring her cell because it costs too much money in a completely different continent. So her cell phone is currently at her house. And due to the time distance between us, I bet she's the one who's been calling me at 3 in the morning. Did I also mention that her flight had to stop in Tokyo!?!? Yes...her flight stopped in TOKYO!!!! I am sooooo envious of her!! We both wanna go to Japan soooo badly and she gets to stop in Tokyo! But she can only stay in the airport. But from what the people said, she'll have one hell of a time, seeing that the Tokyo Airport is six stories high and will have loads of stuff to do. Either way, she said she'd get me souveniers! :D Yay me!! Hopefully she'll get some pics, too!!
Ok, I don't have much more to say because I have to get off to clean up my room if I expect to get my room all redone to my liking. My mom says if it's not clean, it's not gonna be redone o_O Threats. The words full of 'em. lolz
Have a great day! :D
Hello everyone!! How are you guys? Good, I hope. I haven't posted in probaly the longest of time. Maybe I should clear things up, tell you guys why, and then head on with the post.
Okay, so why I didn't come on. The weather is hot as hell over here, and aren't I lucky? my computer makes all these annoying beeping noises, signaling I can't get on because too much electricity in my neighborhood is being used. And that sucks, cause not only can I not get on the internet, but I can't even color in pictures without the annoying "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" and then having the comp completely shut off on me. And if I didn't save my artwork on the comp, everything gets completely erased and has to be start over from scratch. And even when the comp isn't beeping and I'm lucky enough to get on for even just 10mins, it will begin beeping and then shut off. And I sorta just stare at the comp like, "WTF? Why are you doing this to me?". Then it will come back on and it's deja vu all over again. And once again I think, "WTF? Why aren't you working?" and by the time it shuts off on me at least 3 or 4x, I think I'm ready to hit the computer with a bat. But then if I did....how would I get on...? So maybe you're thinking now, "Then how the hell is she posting?". No, a miracle did NOT happen. I'm at my dad's house, using his laptop. And that is that.
On to bigger and better things, I got to drive a boat!! YES, a BOAT!!! And it was unbelieveably fun!!! It was my first time in an actual boat (I've only been on ferries, and unless that counts as a "boat", which it most likely does, this was the first time I was on a boat). The boat belonged to my friend's dad, and he was like, "Who wants to drive next?". I shot my hand in the air and was like, "I WANNA DRIVE!!! I WANNA DRIVE!!!" so he let me. I was a great driver, he said, except for the part where I almost had everyone over board....almost. Hey, me and my friends were gonna make someone our victim and make them fall off. lol But that was one of the greatest days of my life :D
So.....I had something else to say but can't remember....See what happens when I don't come on often? I forget what I wanna tell you guys. Damn comp of mine....
Well, how was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was good. The fireworks were really pretty!!! I was kinda upset when they were over, but you know people, they'll just shoot 'em off for the next couple of weeks. That's the way it always is :P I had fun! Did you guys?
Now, for my theme. Like it? It's Zack x Aerith, because that is my fav pairing in the WHOLE universe!!! ^^
Have a good day! :)
Hi everyone!!! How are you guys? I'm good. Once again, I havn't been on theO lately, but I still get a chance to update every week, so I hope you guys will always come and visit when I do!!! So, let's begin, shall we?
I happened to notice about a week ago that myO has now been added to theO!!! And to think everyone would forget about it!!! I'm sure glad they didn't -- I loved when new people came to my site, commenting on how cool my site was and how'd they like to be friends. I love that experience because, really, who doesn't like making new friends?? It's sorta like an unforgetable experience, know what I mean? I remember when I got my very first gb sig....I was literally screaming with happiness (I exaggerate, I wasn't screaming) but I remember how happy I was :D
As for school news.....
The most intresting thing that happened was that my art teacher aqctually didn't except my picture-in-motion. You see, we were assigned to draw sometype of picture, showing someone doing sometype of motion (jumping, skipping, walking, etc). So, my "SMILEY WORLD!!!!!!" pic I submitted on theO iI decided to use as my picture-in-motion, but my art twacher said it was "unaccecptable" and "not art". I can see why she thinks it's not art, but it was still in motion, and that's what she asked for: a picture in motion!!!! So she told me I'd have to draw something else in motion, commenting when one of my friends said that I was a really good artist, "It'd be nice to see Rose draw something besides what she usually draws" (which would be anime). I think she's hinting something, so I drew a horse grazing grass, and if that doesn't count, hell will spew. XP
Well, I really can't think of much more to say. Accoring to what i hear, there was a Death Note movie in theaters for 3 days only!!! And of course, I missed it. Although I have no idea if it's still in theaters tonite, I have no ride and my friend can't go with me because she has to babysit. You know what? That just sucks.
And now I will end my post.
Have a great day!!
Hi everyone!!! How are you guys? I'm good. Once again, I havn't been on theO lately, but I still get a chance to update every week, so I hope you guys will always come and visit when I do!!! So, let's begin, shall we?
I happened to notice about a week ago that myO has now been added to theO!!! And to think everyone would forget about it!!! I'm sure glad they didn't -- I loved when new people came to my site, commenting on how cool my site was and how'd they like to be friends. I love that experience because, really, who doesn't like making new friends?? It's sorta like an unforgetable experience, know what I mean? I remember when I got my very first gb sig....I was literally screaming with happiness (I exaggerate, I wasn't screaming) but I remember how happy I was :D
As for school news.....
The most intresting thing that happened was that my art teacher aqctually didn't except my picture-in-motion. You see, we were assigned to draw sometype of picture, showing someone doing sometype of motion (jumping, skipping, walking, etc). So, my "SMILEY WORLD!!!!!!" pic I submitted on theO iI decided to use as my picture-in-motion, but my art twacher said it was "unaccecptable" and "not art". I can see why she thinks it's not art, but it was still in motion, and that's what she asked for: a picture in motion!!!! So she told me I'd have to draw something else in motion, commenting when one of my friends said that I was a really good artist, "It'd be nice to see Rose draw something besides what she usually draws" (which would be anime). I think she's hinting something, so I drew a horse grazing grass, and if that doesn't count, hell will spew. XP
Well, I really can't think of much more to say. Accoring to what i hear, there was a Death Note movie in theaters for 3 days only!!! And of course, I missed it. Although I have no idea if it's still in theaters tonite, I have no ride and my friend can't go with me because she has to babysit. You know what? That just sucks.
And now I will end my post.
Have a great day!!
Hi everyone! How are you guys!? I'm good. Bored, but good. I havn't posted in about a week or so, so her is my amazingly wonderful posts!!! (I lie; they are not amazingly wonderful.) Oh, and if you're wondering, I'm just a little hyper.
Anyway, where should I begin? Well, most of you probaly noticed that my WORLD has completely changed -- it's no longer FF Vs 13 style! I changed to An Cafe, because I have become addicted to that hyper/happy visual kei group (literally). I think that's why I'm hyper. Because their songs are so happy and hyper-like. But that's ok. Within a month, I'll probaly be onto something else, and thus my WORLD will be changed to a new theme. I wonder what it will be next....?
*continuing* It's currently 9p so I have no idea if any of you will actually end up commenting. Nevertheless, I'll post tomorrow. I got on too late today, anyway. But still, I'll continue on.
Cosplay! Yeah, I have a topic on it! In my last post, I mentioned that I went as Reno to an anime convention over a month ago. I'm not going to another convention in awhile, but I decided that I want to do cosplay again. And this time, I'm dressing up as Vincent Valentine!! My mom agreed, but she wants it done by the end of the school year. Can you imagine? That gives me about 5wks to get all the stuff together. But still, I'm sure she'll extend it. She only wants it done before then because she wants me to get my hair cut a little, but I refuse because Vincent has long hair (and I don't mean I'm getting it cut short!).
Last night, I also ended up beating FF7. As some of you may know, my brother ended up deleting my data and I had to play from my older cousin's literally-scratched-to-death disk, which wasn't working as soon as I got to Cosmo Canyon. Not only that, he lost Disc 3. So I had to wait until last Christmas until I got my own version of FF7 (after all, I was only about 4yrs-old when the game originally came out). But I beat it. Watch the ending and whatnot, and now I'm determined to go get all the materia and do everything and etcetc.
Well, I don't really have much to say now, except that I submitted a new piece of fanart, if anybody would like to see it. Well, until then, I can't think of much else to say and my younger brother is nagging me to get on the computer.
Have a great day!