...with a little less rain today.
That's a nice change for once.
I'm not getting into a huge thing like I did yesterday, when I had a huge headache and I just really wanted to shoot the side of my brain that hurt off. I had alot to write in that post, so I'm trying to make todays shorter.
Sweet and to the point, I totally found something out that totally made me feel like an idiot for awhile: The kid I like was in the club I was previously in before I left for Art&Sculpting. He had joined the Anime Club.
I was part of the Anime Club until we were given a choice if we'd rather be in the club were in or if we wanted to try another club. I was between trying Art&Sculpture, or doing Anime again. I did Art&Sculpture. And here, the kid I like, went from Crew Club to Anime.
I felt like such an idiot.
We're (meaning me and my friend, who saw him leave the Anime Club today) not sure if he was really a part of Anime though. If the teacher you had club with allowed you, you could go to the Anime Club with your friend. When my friend (the same one who found out) forgot her instrument for (Honors) Band Club, she came with me to Anime.
Clubs are over now though, so it really doesn't matter.
Have a great day, and onward to homework! (No, I am not thrilled about that)
PS: Finished the review for that retarted "Pirates of Silicon Valley" movie! I feel accomplished, I don't have to write it anymore for Freshman Seminar :]