Stranger: well my name is john
Stranger: and i hate every single one of you [<<<<<he means australians]
You: huh?
Stranger: all of you are fat retarded no-lifes who spends every second of thier day chasing dongo's
Stranger: dingo's
You: underweight slightly
Stranger: you are everything bad in the world
You: ;)
You: haha
Stranger: honestly have you ever got any penis?
You: no, but thats my choice
You: and if youhad asked for cyber I would have said no
Stranger: i mean, i geuss its fun making fun of other because of your own insecuritys
Stranger: but you all take it to a whole new level
You: im not making fun of you............
Stranger: this is even worse then masturbating to pics on facebook
Stranger: dont be a stranger just hit me with your best shot
Stranger: im pretty much perfect
You: Im not looking to insult anyone
Stranger: i was captain of the footbal team and starter of basketball team
You: theres no such thing as perfect, Im not perfect, youre not perfect
Stranger: what sport do you play other the''catch the kangeroo''
You: we dont do that
You: we shoot them occasionally
You: for food
Stranger: i also get straigth A's and have a banging hot girlfriend ( she just blew me ; shit was SO CASH
Stranger: you are all faggots who should just kill yourselves
Stranger: thanks for listening
You: I have a girlfriend too, shes is beautiful and nice
Stranger: oi my moms out chasing a dingo
You: Are you done insulting Australians? You know you could come up with better insults if you actually knew anything about us
Stranger: also THE GAME
wowwwwww first thing I need to get out is THIS GUY NEEDS TO FUCKING RESPECT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!!!! IF HE EVEN HAS ONE!!! I'LL BE SURPRISED THAT SOMEONE WHO IS SUCH A COMPLETE ASSHOLE TO PEOPLE HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW COULD GET ONE! and "i also get straigth A's" ........with spelling like his? yeahhhhh i really believe that! *sarcasm*
*decides not to bore you all with a long rant*