Hellur! We probably all know one thing happens on Saturday. That is,
A NEW MY LITTLE PONY Episode! Let's start this post!
WARNING: No spoiler blocks on these posts. Sorry.
Rarity Takes Manehatten
Episode Summary:
Rarity and friends head to Manehatten for fashion week. When arriving late, she meets an old friend, Suri Polomare. When Rarity lends Suri some fabric, she takes it and copies Rarity whole line. When Rarity needs a new line, her friends work their tails off to create it. The finishing line is named Hotel Chic. At the fashion show, Rarity realizes that she took her friend's generosity for her advantage. When she finds out they left, Rarity guesses it was back to Ponyvile. When they return to tell her that they overslept. Rarity learns from Suri that Prim Hemline is furious. Rarity aceepts defeat and takes her friends to an exclusive showing of Hinny of the Hills. Then Suri's assistant, Coco Pommel, who quit the job, tells Rarity that she actually won, and presents her with a gift of rainbow thread.
I say the opening is mostly a rerun of every episode with Rarity and Spike. Rarity asks Spike to do something, and he does it. Anyways, the song was catchy and had a nice tune to it. Rarity's rush and the taxi problem is new. I honestly thought she would you her beauty to ask a stallion to let her move in line. The dress problem would have made an interesting problem if it didn't resolve in three seconds. I didn't trust Suri for a second. I guess I know from experience that if you 'lend' something to some people, it ends up to be there's. Anyways, Prim Hemline is like every other pony fashion designer, snooty and uptight.
I thought Rarity would work her tail off, not her friends. So when I see Fluttershy sowing, I'm not surprised that the others are too.
Then she gives the: "Fine do that, I'll just sit here and.." speech. I'm surprised her friends still worked after that. Now Rarity not thanking her friends is nothing new. (Spike wise.)
When Suri told her she lost. I questioned it, due to her lying already. When her assistant look down-right displeased. I stood my ground, I KNEW Suri was lying.
The ending was amazing, and I loved it.
"Manehattan was simply grand. It was in this magnificent metropolis that I learned that, while there are ponies who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends."
Yea. I bet most of us have done that once. Right? Blackmailed someone. For the candy bar, or last cookie. (Or the computer at the public library. ._.)
4 brohoofs. (stars)
What I think shouda been diffrent:
Mostly Rarity's reaction to Suri stealing her line. I would went up to that mare and beat her until she couldn't stand up. But hey, that's me.
Episode Number: #8
Season Number: #4
Main Characters: Rarity, Suri, and the Bellhop pony.
Name/lesson sources: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic_Wiki
Hope you enjoyed my overall review! :3