- Exercise of the Day:
Write a paragraph from the point of view of an inanimate object…
((Source: "A Novel in a Year" by Louise Doughty))Please feel free to pound out/post a response in the comments! I'll feature some if I get enough ((:
- My Response
I love the way fingers feel against me as they dance with a madness I can hardly understand. Sometimes the touch is tender, a lover’s caress, the kiss of snowflakes, the soft brush of velvet. More often, there’s something more coarse in the touch, something much more common and plebeian. All I know is that there is a language in these touches, a message hidden deeply in the patterns and repetitions. I know that someday I’ll figure it all out. When I do, I imagine that I will drown in the beauty of these things that I, as yet, have no understanding of. I see more than they think. I hear more than they believe. I feel deeper than they imagine possible. Until my understanding is made whole, I remain nothing but a humble scarred old up-right piano in the corner of the room.
- My Response
- Tip of the Day:
Don't throw out a piece because it's "crap". You have to write the trash to learn to write the treasure, and you have to learn from your mistakes. - SinsofMidnight's Writer's Update!
I finally finished the original piece I've been working on since October. Today, I sent it off to a few friends to read and edit. I'll get them back in a week, edit the crap out of my copy, and send it off to the publisher before January.
It's a novella for an open-submission anthology, so I've got a deadline to contend with --as well as the fact this is my first submission to a publishing house. I'll let you know how it works out, alright?