Promotion o_O

This past week has been pretty eventful for me. Now that I’m on a much lighter summer schedule for school, I’ve been getting stuff and doing a lot of cooking. It’s just too much fun trying out new recipes and foods. I’m always curious to try something at least once… well other than that thread about eating bugs over at OtakuBoards. >_> I have no interest in trying that once. Yuck.

Anyway, the biggest thing that happened was on Thursday. I had logged into theOtaku so I could work on gathering information to send to Adam for this week’s batch of new categories. It was going along just fine until suddenly I realized that the option to edit submissions was available on all of them, not just my own. o_O It made no sense at all.

Not only that, while looking at stuff to try and figure out what happened I also noticed that I now had the option to delete comments, all of them. At this point I was going… O_O My title was still that of Otakuite so why had I suddenly gotten what appeared to be moderation abilities?

I mentioned it to Indi since she was home at the time and being the prankster that she is… she told me I busted the site! XP For a brief moment I actually believed that hooligan! After all when I first joined I had no title and was bypassing the moderation que because of a glitch, so my thought was… what if this is another glitch?!?

I’m sure you can imagine that my first thought was to immediately tell Beth so someone could fix it. I also thought to send Adam an e-mail since I figured people getting moderation abilities due to a glitch would be a bad thing.

So I logged into my e-mail and to my surprise there was an e-mail waiting for me from Adam. It wasn’t a glitch; I got promoted for doing a good job with the Category Guru work. The ability to moderate submissions was his doing. XD I felt really silly and of course promptly smacked Indi upside the head with a pillow since she was just laughing like crazy. She had already figured out that it was likely I had been promoted.

But since my title didn’t change… I really thought it was a glitch! XP Anyway, so that was Thursday and though it seems rather odd to have that option to edit things, it is very, very helpful for doing the stuff needed for adding a category, which I imagine is why I got promoted. It still seems weird though.

And the last event this week was the post on reporting stolen submissions that I submitted for fan words yesterday. ^_^ I was really worried that my grammar wasn’t good enough but it got accepted! I’m really pleased with that. I got the idea from comments and blogs I’ve seen around the site since I started gathering the data for categories. It seemed like there was a lot of confusion and fighting going on, so the more I encountered, the more I thought, what if I write a short page on how to report stuff?

Anyway, that sums up my week! ^_^
