*sigh* oh Passover, GUESS WHAT EVERYONE?!?!?!? yeah im a jew so if your anti-semitic then go AWAY
on with the show
OK! so if you all dont know what passover is, then ill tell you,
Passover is the holiday that is said in the bible that Israelites came out of Egypt from 400 years of hard,back-breaking,miserable slavery. if youre all saying 'ya but why is it called passover?' ill tell you, its because God , during the tenth plague (which was killing of the first born of the Egyptians) God PASSED OVER the houses of the jewish people. get it now? good! *distributes cookies to all*
so now, you might be asking you self while eating a virtually eating a cookie is:
'then why the hell are you posting about this? y'know i want some milk..."
because i died the first night of the holiday
you wanna know why? ill give you a hint...
it has somthin to do with a pharaoh and i beleive theres only one pharaoh in the history of any anime. and i anyone can guess it you win a guessing came! and then heres the other story!
so my friend Shiro wanted to invite all of the espada ( you know how this is gonna end) over to her house and since grimmjow is already there (theyre together) she wanted to have a passover party with them. so ya know she invited stark, yammi, grantz (cant spell his first name! ) and everyone else. but sad little Ulquiorra Sheiffer had no place to stay, because Shiro-chan didnt hav any more room cuz those guys are BBBBBIIIIIIGGGGGG!!!!! so i went!' OH! Ulquiorra can stay at my house!' and so im have the most awesome time with Ulquiorra!
CHAG SAMEACH!!!!!!! (that means happy hoidays in hebrew! :D)
Momo over and out!
Passover! oh the nights