the Coven - chapter 1

The Coven (a Twilight Fanfic)

by Kara

He didn't want to hurt her: He never did; It was her scent...

It drew him to her, like so many before;

the light, fresh scent, bitter smell that seemed intense yet subtle.

He had been hurting...emotionally hurting...the woman he'd loved, the one he worked so hard to gain her trust, and to love...He had lost her. He lost his reasoning, his will. His heart shatterred, and the pain was excruciating. She had left to be with a bloodsucker... a vampire; one of the werewolves enemies. The vampire had killed her for it. He protect her. He couldn't save her.

He felt like he was dying; burning alive from the inside out. He didn't want to die. He just couldn't take the pain anymore. How would his uncle react? He didn't care. His hands shook, as he saw no one was around. Gripping his chest so tightly it hurt, but he was burning as he raised the end of the gun to the temple of his forehead. "I don't want to hurt anymore..." he whispered aloud, as he slowly pulled the trigger.

Then it happened... at the last possible moment, someone had collided their body into his: setting the gun off, but into the air, and away from him. He was so shocked to find himself sprawled on top of a red - faced girl; that he froze before removing them from the embarassing position The girl mumbled incoherently, but her eyes spoke clearly with concern, and he couldn't find the words. Pulling out a small bandanna, she wiped away the cut from where the bullet had grazed him. He hadn't noticed it before, but he could smell her scent now. Despite all his efforts to be angry, it was calming him down.

Two small words, broke the spell:

"I'm sorry..."

Her voice came out barely more than a whisper, but her words meant so much right then. He pulled her close, hugging the strange girl tightly, and crying. He was surprised she didn't scream or shove him away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around the boy, though he practically towered over her small height.


She felt him shudder, and she thought about how she had only passed by here by chance. Seeing the finger on the trigger, she'd jumped; acting before she even knew what she doing. Only to cause him to fall, though alive, but on top of her. He seemed shocked by her presence, and moved slowly. She searched his dark brown eyes, and saw a heavy, deep - rooted pain, beneath his warmth.

He buried his face against her body, nuzzling her neck over, and over, as he cried. A variation between sobs, soft whispers, and short howls. Holding her close in a solid grip, while she rubbed slow swirls onto his back. Not sure what else to do, she started to croon, out of habit from watching children part time. He seemed to relax beneath her hands, until he pulled back quickly, his eyes wide with fear.

"I'm sorry!" he blurted out, letting go. But she cut off his string of apologies.

"It's okay..."

"Renka!" someone screamed. They both turned around quickly to see a furious looking, black - haired boy. His eyes showed his fury, glaring into her own. "She knows doesn't she?" he spat, motioning to the gun, and near - growling.

"No! She doesn't know anything!" The boy pulled her towards him, causing her to squeak in surprise. He wrapped an arm around her waise, and yanked her close to his chest.

"Get...away from" the second figure started.

"She stopped me from..."

"What were you planning to do?" the guy fumed, pacing a little, before grabbing the gun, and smelling it. "This was fired!" his glare deepened.

"I didn't shoot at him!" she yelled at him.

"Then who the hell did?!"

"I was going to shoot myself..." the one rasped, gripping her tighter as he shook.

"Renka..." the second figure whispered, suddenly calmer, but sad.

"If she hadn't stopped me...I'd be dead right now..." He shook his head, before burying his face in her shoulder, once more. Hugging her, from behind after he'd sat her on his lap. Her cheeks blushed, but she reached over, and brushed her fingers through his hair slowly, trying to console him all the same.

Sighing, the other boy hid the gun. He walked over slowly, before kneeling in front of them. "You need to let go of her, now," he chuckled, and the other boy nodded, letting go very slowly. He pulled her to her feet, and she could only squeak, as he patted her head. "Thank you for stopping him.." he smiled a little.

"S..sorry I kept grabbing you..." Renka rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Not knowing what to say, she walked over, and picked out her purse. Digging around for a bit, before she held out a dark blue bandaid. He stared blankly, until she pointed to the cut on his forehead. Both boys laughed then, and her face reddened once more.

"Sorry..." she mumbled.

They stared at her confused, exchanging a look between themselves; before Renka took the bandaid, and put it on. The other boy hugged her around the shoulders, chuckling. "You are the least person who should be sorry here," he shrugged, letting go. "I mean... he had a gun, and he's someone you don't even know..."

"Know him or not, he shouldn't kill himself," she spoke finally.

"Ah! So, you can do more than squeak!" he teased.

"Grrr..." she pouted.

"Heheh..." he poked her, and she swatted at him. "Oh, so you do have spirit?" She tackle - hugged him, and they both fell down laughing. Renka helped them both up, smiling.

"So, you got a name or what?" her taunter asked.

"Terrin Lanor," she shrugged. " What's yours?"

"Alex Vhen," he replied.

"Renka Syth," the first one added.

"Aren't you the new student?" Alex added.

"Yeah... I just moved here a few days ago," she nodded.

"Why'd you go to the roof?" her former taunter asked.

"I lost..." she rubbed the back of her neck. " And I like being outside," she added, under their steady gazes. They shrugged.

"So. Is it safe to assume, you don't know anyone?" Renka asked.

"Pretty much," she laughed.

"Well, you can sit with us, at lunch, if you want," Alex offered, and Renka shuffled his feet awkwardly.

"That would be great," she smiled, and they grinned. The warning bell rang, and they all dashed back inside. Only to all rush into the same class, through two different doors. Just before the late bell went off. All three looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

They steered her over to one of the tables, where two others waved but looked confused. The first was a frowning female, who was glaring over her whole body. She introduced herself as Rosalie Baker. Or, Rosie, as the other guy called her. She had curly, bright blonde locks, and fierce eyes. The second was a calmer male, with dark blonde hair, and gentle eyes. He introduced himself as Thomas Lee, but told her, she could call him, Boomer.

She paused, waiting for Alex to sit down. Then, Renka, who had her put between the two of them. She smiled, despite Rosey's glares. She had liked the gentle Boomer right away, but felt somewhat like a new toy. She could feel the eyes of the others in the cafeteria. Something that was explained in a hurried whisper by a girl in her previous class.

They kept to themselves; friendly to most at Forks High School. But, they were distintly apart. Not unlike the Cullens, though, they were the ones, with who they were often awkwardly tense. They kept to the other ends of the cafeteria. Both groups were divided in this place. They did not go together. They had refused to let anyone in. Until now, that is.

She was new, doubly so. She was the newest person to the school, and the one they'd let in. She could only smile shyly, and feel glad that she had the boys on either side of her at lunch. Boomer seemed content with the new addition. Alex would tease her constantly. While, Renka would argue with Rosalie over whether she could stay. He won, of course.

She felt happy around them. But, was surprised just how warm all of them got. In the chilly March weather though, she was slightly jealous of the heat, as she had to bundle up. They were different, but the glances, the signs, did not hit.

Until she met with a person she knew very well.
