29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

This Saturday

Mood: IT'S TEARING ME APART! IT'S RUININ' ME EVERY DAAAAY!!!! I've got Pandora radio playing.


This Saturday I'm going to Katsucon. WOOO! Actually, it's pretty odd, I haven't been to a convention in a while. Hm. I guess it was just a year since I've gone to one, now that I think of it... hm.

I'm thinking of cosplaying, but I'm thinking of being weird and cosplaying as Stefan. xD (why?) I don't know, I thought it could be fun... but I don't have sunglasses like his. Eh. I'll just wear my normal glasses...
Yeah. So I'm going to buy a white button down shirt and some high-waist pants and a belt on Friday. I'm not buying a suit that'd be like A MILLION DOLLARS... Or I dunno 100+ or something, right? Expensive. I can get pants and shirt for like 40 dollars I bet.
Okay. I'm definitely ranting about nothing. xD;

UM... yeah. If anyone from theO is going, you might secretly see me. I'm thinking of bringing my sketchbook and drawing random people. If I can do that... Yeah.
I like seeing the artists there. Maybe I'll commission someone to draw one of my characters. ;A; That'll make my day...

AND YEAH. I always post here when I'm procrastinating. xDD I'll finish my lab report now... bye!


AAAAAAH! We're totally bombing this challenge. ;A; C'MON, WE CAN DO IT!!! I'll have to make more wallpapers... By the way, my wallpapers still go through the acceptence proccess, even though I'm an Otaku Legend. I think I need to upload at least 15 walls. xD;

ANYWAYS, I'm going to steal this from FallenAngel 01. ASK MY CHARACTERS ANYTHING! If you want. If you don't, that's cool too. But it's cooler if you do ask.... >u>
Yeah. So if you ask the questions, I'll draw the answers and put the replies in a little comic probably this weekend. It'll all probably be sketches... But yeah. ;D So basically this is just another form of procrastination from my other drawings...

Also, I read this really cute shounen-ai manga recently that is apparently not very well known. *^* It's called Doukyuusei, and the sequel is sotsugyousei (or something...). It was really interesting, I thought... And there was nothing explicit! YAAAAAY, NO SEX! I don't like reading the explicit stuff, so... Yeah. It was really good though, I recommend it. :U
I want to draw some fan art...
AND, that is all.

Wooo another character meme. 8D

Fillin' out a meme with Tim info. :m Why do I fill out these long things... Um... Spoilers for A Life Like This? Everything's already been spoilified by now, so it doesn't make much of a difference... >3> Body a...

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Idk, a post. :M

Mood: Awake
Currently working on: pic of Zack and Michka, and a pic for the Street Style challenge

I've been thinking about Zack and Michka lately, and I remembered how much I like them. xD In fact, I'm drawing a pic of them back when they were in high school that I'll probably never finish.
Man, I haven't worked on the RB comic in ages.............. I know what to draw, I just don't feel like drawing it. ;m; But I do kind of want to draw Michka and Zack's backstory. Maybe eventually.... Idk. xD
I need to draw my characters more. I mean all of them. xD I pay too much attention to Dare, Tim, Rick, Gabe, Stefan, and kind of Tomato and TB. And Dean a bit, but he's not my character.

Also, I was surprised today that my history teacher from 9th grade remembered me and started talking to me. :o It was surprising because I never talked much in his class. xD Speaking of history, the new school principal came in to our history class to meet us today. I think he seems like a nice guy. He came so we could ask questions and make suggestions about what problems we students had about the school. I didn't say anything, but he seems very truthful and empathetic to teenagers from the stuff he said. :D Yup.
Nice people are cool people.

Short post, I just felt like updating for no reason. :9

Three Answers Meme

Mood: Pretty good
Currently working on: Nothing, when I should be working on stuff.

Hm.... I haven't spammed you with character profiles in my Various Planning world in quite some time. I think it's 'cause I posted profiles of my favorite characters already. xDD I'll have to start posting the ones for the Dreams cast and My Dear Princess.
I haven't drawing anything related to Dreams in quite some time, actually. TAT I really want to, but I can't think of anything and I lose enthusiasm for pictures after I sketch them, so I'd probably never finish anything. I'd love to draw that comic, but I have a feeling it wouldn't look anything like I'd want it to and I'd just get annoyed...
I should draw Ms. Marigold. Or Alcott. Or Luli. OR ALL THREE. Or I should just design the handful of characters that are also supposed to be in the story.... >_>;


Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1.) Learn how to do vibrato on the violin. ;A;
2.) Maybe learn another instrument or something.
3.) Learn how to talk easily.

Three Names You Go By:
1.) Akioh
2.) Moon-chan
3.) Moonlit

Three Screen Names You Have Had:
1.) moonlit dream
2.) xmoonlitxdreamx
3.) blue_extacy

The last one is my xanga username, and it has nothing to do with drugs.
Just saying.
IT WAS THIS MERMAID'S SUPER ATTACK IN THIS MANGA I USED TO READ! Rave Master! 8D Celia? The mermaid? Yeah? Yeah? Aha...

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
1.) Feet
2.) Eyebrows
3.) Ankles

Three Parts Of Your Heritage:
1.) German
2.) Filipino
3.) Uh.... and some other European country, I guess. Maybe England or something? I'm not sure.

Three Things That Scare You:
1.) Heights
2.) Drugs (I'm pretty traumatized by what they teach in school. But that's good because I like being healthy. Although I'm a pretty unhealthy eater...)
3.) Bugs, but sometimes they totally don't bother me. I don't mind worms at all, on a side note. They're kind of cute. :9

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
1.) Sleep
2.) Food
3.) My brain

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) Sweatshirt
2.) Shirt
3.) Jeans

I'm exciting. -u-

Three Of Your Favorite Bands/Musical Artists:
1.) Lately, Pandora radio introduced me to some songs by Third Eye Blind that I like.
2.) The Cars
3.) Matchbox 20

Three Of Your Favorite Songs:
1.) I've had Deep Inside of You (Third Eye Blind) stuck in my head lately. THE TITLE SOUNDS DIRTY (and it probably is), but I really like the refrain. :D GIVE IT A CHANCE?
2.) Runnin' On Empty (Jackson Browne)
3.) Season of the Witch (Donovan)

And approximately 3985739 more. :9
I like songs that remind me of my characters. xD There are songs I prefer to listen to when I draw certain characters...

Three Things You Want In A Relationship:
1.) Kindness
2.) Lack of stress
3.) An understanding/similar thought process/values

In the second one, I mean there shouldn't be too much stress in a relationship. A stressful relationship doesn't seem like a good idea.

Two Truths And A Lie (in no particular order):
1.) I have brown hair.
2.) I like to talk, but usually only when someone asks me a question.
3.) I am a 70 year old man.


Three Of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1.) Daydreaming about my OCs.
2.) Going on the computer.
3.) Drawing.

Three Things You Want To Do Really Badly Right Now:
1.) Have my homework magically be done. (Although, I guess that's not something I do...)
2.) Draw my characters correctly.
3.) Play music well.

Three Careers You're Considering/You've Considered:
1.) Japanese teacher.
2.) Manga artist. (HAHA yes, still. ;u; CHANCES? UNLIKELY.)
3.) Author or script writer or something. But idk if I'd really want to do that full time.

I think I'll end up being a teacher of sorts, whether I want to or not.

Three Places You Want To Go On Vacation:
1.) Home.
2.) Boston. (MY COUSIN LIVES NEAR BOSTON! And I need reference pictures buuuhhh. :I I must learn to draw scenery.)
3.) England somewhere.

Three Kid's Names You Like:
1.) Alex
2.) Timothy
3.) Gaile

The last two are OC names because I couldn't think of anything... I guess I like most of the names I gave my characters. Well, except Tomato. I wouldn't name my child Tomato.
By the way, Gaile is Gliding Eagle's real name. I don't think I'd actually name my child that, but if I think it's a cool girl's name...

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Girl:
1.) I like sweets.
2.) I like pretty clothes. (But I'm too lazy to ever dress myself nicely, even though I have some nice clothes.)
3.) I have two X chromosomes.

Three Ways That You Are Stereotypically A Boy:
1.) I dress kind of boyish.
2.) I'm lazy.
3.) I don't wear make-up. (Except for concerts/etc.)

Well, that's all.
HOMEWORK TIME! Dx Yeahhh....