29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Sit in a chair

Mood: Decent. :9

So I realized while drawing a picture for a challenge that I draw a fair amount of sitting poses.... BUT NEVER IN CHAIRS.
I draw people sitting in random white spaces, sitting on random shapes, or sitting on nothing at all.
I think I've drawn someone sitting in a chair once.

Anyways, I need to figure out how to draw people sitting on park benches or something of the sort....
/too lazy to find any
You don't really have to find me any.

So uh... The Challenge Slam is already almost done, and I haven't done anything. xD; I probably won't submit anything in time. It's quite hard to finish something in a week time limit... >3>;


Mood: Pretty decent. :9
Currently working on: Surprisingly, that picture of Gabe.
Recently added: Mizuki for Otakufangirl, 2011 Art Summary, Apprentice No. 1

I don't post in this world as much as I used to. ;A; I find that I have nothing to say these days since I'm always swamped with schoolwork. xD

I'll tell you about this dream I had, I guess. >3> I had a dream about my character Tim's mom, which is weird because I hardly dream about my characters, and when I do, it's usually about the characters I like. xD; But it was also weird because she had a different name, and her hair was red like Tim's. Actually, I first designed her to have the same hair color as Tim... but then I decided against it because I thought it'd be better if Tim got his looks from his dad rather than his mom. Yeah.
Tim's mom's name in my dream was Marge, for some reason... her actual name is Cassidy. :D;
So in this dream, I was reading a book with Tim's mom in it, and somehow she came out of it and came to life. Then we drove her around town and went to my uncle's house and played video games. (???)

AND THAT'S ABOUT IT. So pointless. What is this.

I guess I'll go back to drawing now... I'M ACTUALLY COLORING!!! I know. I'm shocked too.

Have a goodly awesometastic, fresh-off-the-grill day! 8D Yeah, idk. I used to say idk a lot, but I don't think I've been saying it as much lately...
Well, I don't say it in real life. Only on the internet.

OKAY, ENOUGH. I'm so bad at ending posts. xD;


Happy new year, everyone! :DDDDDDDDD



My sister's reading the pedophiliac book Lolita by that one guy Nabokov. It is not about Lolita fashion, btw. What does this have to do with anything? Well, my dad showed us a trailer for the movie.
YAAAAH YAAAAAH! WOAH, WOAH, YAAAAH YAAAAAAAAH!!! What an annoying song. And what's with the tagline? "How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?"

BUT ANYWAYS! I'm going to tell you about my Christmas. :D

For Christmas I got:

  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
  • These really cool boots
  • A watch
  • Some manga that I hadn't read before
  • LOZ: Skyward Sword
  • Lots of clothes

Takara and I watched the Professor Layton movie and Kiki's Delivery Service already. :,) They were both awesome. PROFESSOR. YOU ARE SO COOL. It was so fun to see the PL characters moving for a whole hour and a half. The clips in the games are usually only a couple seconds long. ;u; I think Luke's voice must've been the UK voice actor because he sounded a little different. Although, Luke has an English accent in the US games, as well... so idk. BUT STILL IT WAS AWESOME. ;0; It's sad for me that the next games are for the 3DS, since I only have a normal DS....

Kiki's Delivery Service was adorable, too!!! TOMBO IS SO CUTE. WHY IS THERE LIKE NO FAN ART OF HIM HERE OR ANYWHERE. DKLFJASLFJASLKF. Really. I want to draw him now. He is so funny. Like a nerd-punk. (???)
It was a really good movie, I recommend it to EVERYONE! :,D

About the manga that I got.... I told my dad that he could get me some manga for Christmas, and I told him to pick out ones I hadn't read. I also said to make sure they weren't too mature in content.... So he gets me Love Hina, which is full of fan service, panty shots, and tons of awkward situations. @_@ It was a "3 volumes in 1" book. I read the whole thing because my dad got it for me, but I don't think I'll read any more... You know, the story wasn't so bad once there actually started to be a storyline. But there was waaaay too much fan service for my taste. Like, every 8 pages it seemed like.
He also got me Black Bird, this shoujo manga that also had some awkward scenes in it. Not nearly as much, though... The story didn't interest me too much either, but that's okay. I READ THEM! YES I DID.

He probably got me weird books on purpose. xD He's funny. When I was opening one of my presents from him, I had unwrapped a VICTORIA'S SECRET BOX. But when I opened the box, it was a bunch of jeans which I had asked for. xD SILLY, DADDY...

I haven't played Skyward Sword yet b/c we didn't bring the wii to my grandma's house. :M I will soon, when I get back.

SO YEAH! Christmas was fun. But my cousin from Massachusetts wasn't able to come. ;A; Boo hoooooo.... I told him I would cry painful tears of pain if he didn't come. So that's what I'm doing now. Virtually...



Mood: Randomly PUMPED. xD
Currently working on: Secret Santa and that pic of Rick, Tim, and Dare.

But this time, it's different. It's an actual quiz I made about my ocs! :D Because I'm just that vain...

TEST YOUR WITS! SEE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW ABOUT MY CHARACTERS! Whoever gets the most answers right on the first try gets a prize. ;D

Oh and also. You cannot look through my gallery or my various planning world for the answers. It's up to your memory! Hohoho. Sorry.

Put your answers in a comment here and I'll check them. :9

Good luck, and.... go!

1. Although this character dyes his hair, his hair is naturally brown.
A) Dare Cromwell
B) Tomato
C) Zack Moreau
D) Dean Johnson

2. Rick has...
A) 4 siblings: three sisters and a brother.
B) 5 siblings: three sisters and two brothers.
C) 2 siblings: a sister and a brother.
D) No siblings. He's an only child.

3. What name does Jamal call his flower friend?
A) Amigo
B) Tomodachi
C) Mr. Flower Power
D) Kaibigan

4. Gliding Eagle works...
A) at an ice cream parlor.
B) at a tattoo-and-piercing shop.
C) as a full-time artist.
D) as a park ranger.

5. This character recieved a special gift from a friend in the 4th grade:
A) Timothy Ackart
B) Michka Morris
C) Cassidy Ackart
D) Rick Stairwell

6. What sport did Zack play in high school?
A) Basketball
B) Soccer
C) (American) Football
D) None, he only sang.

7. Nicholay's parents were killed...
A) by Gaelnis.
B) by Falorin.
C) by old age.
D) in a war.

8. This character was sent on a mission to destroy the human race:
A) Kor Schollen
B) Falorin Halloway
C) Gaelnis
D) Arianna

9. Michka wears an eye patch because:
A) She was injured while playing in a concert.
B) Her sister Laetitia punched her in the eye.
C) No reason; it's just an accessory.
D) She has a lazy eye.

10. Dean calls Tomato's Boyfriend:
A) Jacques
B) Pierre
C) Adrien
D) Jack

11. How many piercings does Tomato have? (Not just the ears.)
A) 15
B) 13
C) 7
D) 5

12. Stefan wishes he....
A) Was younger.
B) Got paid more.
C) Had a boyfriend or girlfriend.
D) All of the above.

13. What does Tim think of his girlfriend?
A) He hates her and refuses to talk to her.
B) He doesn't hate her, but he doesn't particularly like her.
C) He secretly loves her and doesn't want to let her go.
D) Tim never has a girlfriend!

14. Dare plays the bass guitar as well as the...
A) clarinet.
B) violin.
C) trombone.
D) oboe.

15. Ms. Marigold wears an eyepatch because...
A) She cannot see out of one eye, so she thinks it's useless for anyone to see it.
B) Her father carved her eye out, and Luli gave her a patch to cover the hole.
C) Luli told her it was a good fashion statement.
D) She refuses to look at Alcott with two eyes.

16. This character wants to defeat the country of Chaunisveld out of revenge:
A) Falorin Halloway
B) Ms. Marigold
C) Gaelnis
D) Hrafn

17. Alcott was transported to dreams by means of...
A) an umbrella.
B) a letter he sent to Luli.
C) a pocketwatch.
D) a magical door.

18. The only human(s) Jamal trusts is...
A) Roxas.
B) his parents.
C) Namine.
D) Sora.

19. Tomato's Boyfriend wants to be a...
A) model.
B) modelling agent.
C) hair stylist.
D) photographer.

20. Kor Schollen is afraid of which of the following:
A) death
B) alligators
C) rabbits
D) mice

How did you do? :D Did you know most of them? All of them? ...none of them? xD; Ahaha.... Yeah. I admit, some of them are tough because I haven't talked about them in a while.
This was fun to make.