29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

It's amazing!

Look at this glorious story I wrote in September 2006!

once upon a time, there lived a wittle girlie named plooph. every1 made fun of her, because of her name. her momma and dadda even made fun of her. so she ran away. plooph ran to the forest of illusion, hoping 2 find a fairy. but plooph couldnt find a fairy. so she sat on a rock, an CRIED. T^T T^T T^T
"hey," said a voice. "get ur butt offa me!"
"huuuuh??" said plooph. she was confused...
"GET UR TUSH OFFA ME!" shouted the voice. "me. THE ROCK."
"u are a VERY rude rock," whined plooph, as she got up. "im leaving."
"no! wait! im a veeery lonley rock and--"
"WAIT A SEC!!" i cried "what kind of stupid story is this?!"
"well, U made it up," complained the rock.
"no i di-dnt," i said
"oh, yes u di-id," said ploohp
uhh, THE END!

I did not change any of the grammar. xD Copied and pasted from my xanga site...

Anyways, I'm also copying Wakusei Aoshi's idea making character sheet thing.
Okay, yes. I am copying Wakusei Aoshi's idea. It looked like fun! xD But I'm not using all my characters, just the main ones that I think about often and like to draw. There's going to be 31 in all. :o
Right now I'm at 7. orz Here's a WIP:


Recently Added: What Is Going On?

Since my sketchbook's full, I can't sketch random things. GRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. I really want to. Sketching is my favorite part of drawing.
BUT ALL I HAVE IS COMPUTER PAPER. GUUUHHH. ;A; I don't want to get a new sketchbook yet, either, because then I'll just forget about all the sketches in the previous sketchbook... and I'll never finish them.
Bluh. D:

Right now I'm working on a pixel art thing of Kor. I'll upload that when I finish it, which will probably be today. :> Hopefully...
I'm also working on that picture of Tim from a million years ago... but I'm too lazy to find the link for it right now. It's somewhere in the Various Planning world. Dx Which reminds me, I should also finish that other picture of Tim from a million years ago...

My teeth hurt. xD;; I wonder if it's because I flossed between my molars...

What a cool dude.

Mood: What in the world...

Guys. Look what I found on google:
External Image

You: Why on Earth were you searching "Rick Stairwell" on google? :I

Well, I was just curious to see wheter or not Rick Stairwell could be a real name... >____>
I'm pretty sure it's not. But somehow "stair" can be a last name.
NO WAIT, I JUST FOUND A JOHN STAIRWELL. So maybe Rick Stairwell could be a real name after all. 8D
Aha yeah... I do stupid things.
But I did find out that someone on dA has an RP character named Rick Stairwell. :o

So anyways.
I just finished Dana's gift... so that means I have... like... 2 more? And I have to color Fire.Freak's.
I'm really terrible when it comes to gifts. Dx Or finishing anything, for that matter. Actually, I'm not doing too bad this summer. I uploaded 6 pictures this month. :d Last year I only uploaded like... 5 pictures during the entire vacation. xD; But then again, I have about 20 sketches laying around that I need to finish...

I've been horrible with comics this summer, though. ;A; I need to update the rock band comic! I started sketching, but then I totally forgot about it. Dx I've been engrossed in other drawings...
My sketchbook is almost full, though. That's good... I won't be able to start random drawings. xD Then I'll be able to work on things that need to get done. ;w;

Okay, that's all. Pointless talking. xD; See you 'round!

New icon. :0

Mood: My neck hurts. D: (Not really a mood, but...)

I changed my icon. :D I felt like drawing Damian the other day... so I inked and colored one of the sketches today, and now it's my icon.
Bigger version:

I actually like the 100x100 version more because you can't see all my mistakes. >_> My least favorite part is the eyes. xD; But coloring eyes is always a problem for me.

I don't know why I always make my icon a dude. xD I don't think I've used a girl for my icon yet. Actually on DA, I used Palutena for a while.
Maybe I'll use Michka as my next icon... Idk.

OKAY, THAT'S ALL! Short post.


Mood: Bored. IT'S SUMMER.

Suddenly, I really want to draw Damian in a new outfit, because right now he only has one.
Maybe I'll do that later. >3>

Anyways, I'm just posting to say even though I got the livestream thing to work, I think it's messing up my computer. So I deleted the record-y thing. SORRY! No more livestream. D:
MAYBE ONE DAY I'LL DO IT AGAIN JUST ONCE. But I really don't want to mess up my computer. :,(

Now I'm going to go write some character profile for no particular reason. :D