29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

I have returned

Currently working on: Some other random stuff... See previous posts, I guess.

Hey, I'm back from the beach. :) Hoho. Yeah. Like I said before I left, if there's anything you want me to see PM it to me. Yup.
I drew some sketches, but the computer connected to the scanner isn't connected to the internet... and I can't seem to connect it. Gah. D: So I'll upload those sometime later, hopefully...

Also! I finally reached 200 subscribers. ;w; Yaaay. Thanks so much Natsu nii, I owe you one.
And by "one", I mean a picture. Or something similar. Hopefully...

:> So yeah. The beach was fun. I got an unintentional tan. :0 Personally, I don't like getting too tan. My dad also bought me this dress, and I ate lots of seafood. :d And I swam a lot. And slept. That's pretty much it.

OH WAIT, I also saw the last Harry Potter movie. :D Pretty good... but I'm sure the book had more detail. I've never read the books. Actually, I finished reading the first one just this week. :) It was pretty good... I just don't like reading much. "orz But oh well.

Okay, that's all. YEAH.

Because I get bored

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Selfies are fun to make. In case you couldn't tell, it's Rick, Dare and Tim. I couldn't find a good face for Tim, though. :I I made one of Stefan a couple days ago, too.
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What fun.
That's all. Sorry. I'm lame.

You can make your own at dreamself.me! :D


Currently working on: This picture of Gabe and Stefan (coloring), this random comic strip (inking done), next OFAV strip (sketching), next page in TAOMAR (sketching)
Wants to work on: Pic for Arcticwulf, pic for Icefoxchan, pic of Something Impossible (inking done)
Should be working on: So many sketches... orz
Recently added:Scream Out Loud, Hiroki and Miyoko

YEAH. I'm coloring a picture. I'm almost done, I almost completely finished coloring Stefan. Now all that's left is Gabe.... I should finish today. :d It's pretty weird that I'm coloring this because I just finished the inking last night. :0 Or rather, this morning. I guess it was at like, 1:00 AM or something. I don't know why, but I usually have more energy at night/early morning. :/ I don't like being nocturnal.
But anyways. What was I saying...
Oh yeah. it's pretty weird that I'm coloring this picture already, since I just inked it. Usually it takes me a couple days/weeks/months to start the coloring because I'm so lazy. xD But I was just in the mood for coloring, for some reason. :I

I have so many sketches piling up in my sketchbook, though... "orz I guess it's called a sketchbook for a reason, though. xD GOHOAHOAHOH. Idk. I'm not making any sense.


So. Anticipate an update soon. Hopefully today. I also really want to update OFAV soon. ;~; I'm such a slowpoke when it comes to comics. I also also want to update Stefan's character profile in the Various Planning world since the one I have there is pretty boring. I think I'll do that now.

Oh! One last thing. I'm leaving for the beach on Sunday for a week. I don't think there's going to be internet connection, so I won't be online. If there's anything you want me to see starting Sunday, PM it to me so I'll get it. ;D


Mood: Hungry

Modesty is not flaunting your flaws, but keeping silent about your talents.


Aha. I don't even know. Something I came up with randomly. Hoho.
Take it any way you want, dude. Although, I'm not really sure what I mean by that...
And that's all. My sisters want me to exercise. So there.

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!
Have some John Philip Sousa to get you in the mood.

...But if you're not American, then never mind. Or mind, I don't care. :d