29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

I should be sleeeeping...

Mood: Not tired, even though it's midnight.... I need to stop taking naps at 5:00 PM.
Currently working on: Pic for Fire.Freak (Sketch done), TAOMAR pic (coloring), pic of Tim (inking done), Rinchu and Segran pic (sketch almost done), various other sketches that may or may not get done
Wants to work on: Pic for Arcticwulf (I'LL GET ON IT SOON! ;3;), something for icefoxchan (I have an idea already. :>), next OFAV strip(s), My Dear Princess (cover/start comic), Dreams (dialogue, etc...)
Should be working on: TAOMAR, Rock Band: Something Impossible, TinierMe commissions
Recently added: A rose by any other name..., ChibiMuffin (TinierMe)

Why do I sketch so much. I know I won't get half of them done. "orz BUT I HAVE MORE THINGS I WANT TO DRAW. IDK. I JUST WANT TO DRAW A WHOLE TON OF PICTURE IDEAS THAT ARE IN MY HEAD. ;A;

Speaking of which, I really want to draw a picture of Tomato and his boyfriend. xD I haven't drawn one of them together yet. :T
I also haven't drawn Zack in a while... or a lot of the other RB:SI characters. What exactly have I been drawing. xD
I guess I've just been doing a lot of designing for My Dear Princess. :I I still don't think I'll be able to get started on it yet, I need to figure out how to draw castles. And I think I may want to get a sketchbook specifically for the comic. (THAT WAY IT'LL BE LIKE A REAL BOOK! 8D Normally I draw comics on computer paper.)

It's midnight. Why am I posting? xD Whatever.

I really hope to finish coloring this one picture tomorrow (the TAOMAR one). But I'm not sure if I'll have time... my friend's coming over tomorrow. But I think I'll have time. Hopefully. If I don't get distracted.
...which I probably will. xD

...Idk what else to say, so heres a song I really like to listen to when I draw! :)

Took a while to find the right version. :I Idk. It was never one of their very popular songs, for some reason.

I've gotten to the last boss like, 50 times... but never beat him until now. I actually had a dream last night that I won, but then the boss tricked me into restarting the game (?!?)... so yeah. xD


Mood: Okay

My number of subscribers has been wavering between 193 and 196 for the past like....
Normally I don't care too much how many subscribers I have, but IT'S SO CLOSE TO 200. WHY DOESN'T IT JUST GET THERE MMRMRNN.
I started coloring this TAOMAR-themed picture. I almost finished coloring Roy... which took like an hour and a half. o3o I'll try to finish at least half of the rest of the picture tomorrow. -w-

You know what's really terrible?
From about this day last year to today, I only uploaded 18 pictures. That's less than 2 pictures a month. Aheh. >___________>
But I feel like I uploaded so much more than that! D: Well, not so much more. I think I submitted a sketch or two to the drafts, and a whole ton of random sketches to the Various Planning world. And then I sometimes uploaded wallpapers and updated comics.
But I guess I was just really inactive this year. "orz Believe it or not, I actually filled up a 100 page sketchbook throughout the year. Or about that much... I had two 100 page sketchbooks since my birthday last year, and I finished both of them recently. :I
They're mostly filled with stupid looking doodles. So maybe I just draw too much random stuff.
That's probably it.

I need to stay more focused. xD;

I'm running out of ideas for titles. :I

Mood: Groogler. If that was a word.
Currently working on: Idk anymore. xD; I'll work on some stuff.
Recently added: NAH-THING. ;A; Well, that Roy picture was uploaded like a week ago.

Why do I only upload like, one picture a month? ;A; It's terrible.

But enough about that. xD

Hey everyone! It's still summer, but I have nothing to do! 8D Haha. I should ink and color something, but I'm not really feeling it. xD;;; I'LL FORCE MYSELF TO INK AND COLOR. D:< I think the first thing I want to finish is that picture of Tim. Or that other picture of Tim. I don't think I have any recent pictures of him in my portfolio. Actually, I don't have any recent pictures in my portfolio of pretty much all my characters. "orz I should just draw a huge picture with all of them in it.
How many characters do I have anyways? I think I'll take the time to list all my characters, even some of the minor ones...
This might be long.

Some of the RB:SI characters are not technically mine; they're my cousins' and sisters' characters from the video game Rock Band.

Rock Band: Something Impossible

  • Michka Morriss
  • Zack Moreau
  • Loyal Ionel
  • Dare Cromwell
  • Damian Matthews
  • Mr. Matthews (not drawn yet; Damian's Dad)
  • Mr. Cromwell and Mrs. Cromwell (not drawn yet; Dare's parents)
  • Rick Stairwell
  • Anya Stairwell*
  • James/Jamie Stairwell (not drawn yet; Rick's little bro)*
  • Dare's Aunt
  • DeVron (who I haven't drawn in a million years; he's somewhere in my portfolio)
  • Laetitia Morriss (not drawn yet; Michka's twin sister)
  • Ace (not drawn yet; Member of rival band fire breathin grandpaZ)
  • Mitsubishi (not drawn yet; Member of rival band Fire breathin grandpaZ)
  • Pustillio (not drawn yet; Member of rival band Fire breathin grandpaZ)
  • Lucia (not drawn yet; Member of rival band Fire breathin grandpaZ)
  • Danny (not drawn yet; Member of rival band Fire breathin grandpaZ)
  • Timothy Ackart
  • Miss Ackart (no picture posted yet; Tim's mom)*
  • Jake (not drawn yet)*
  • Clair (not drawn yet)*
  • Truth (In RB:SI, she's one of Dare's crazy fans; But I also use her as just a female version of Dare. :P)
  • Various other side characters who appear for a chapter or so. (currently nameless and undesigned)


  • Alcott Stophcres
  • Mr. and Mrs. Stophcres (not drawn yet; Alcott's parents)
  • Luli
  • Ms. Marigold
  • Annabelle
  • Arianna
  • Shinitsu
  • Lacy McMacy (I'll post a picture soon)
  • MANY MORE characters that have yet to be designed.

Of Fruits and Vegetables

  • Tomato
  • Tomato's Boyfriend/TB
  • Stefan
  • Gabe
  • Janet/Jo
  • Kasey
  • Dean**
  • Mick (not drawn yet)**
  • Leah (not drawn yet)**

Transfer Student (I hardly ever draw these characters. xD It's an old story...)

  • Kiyumi Arashima
  • Joey White
  • Keiji
  • Koiji
  • Hichiro
  • Celia
  • Shima Arashima (HAHA HER NAME IS SO LAME. No picture posted.)

My Dear Princess

  • Charlotte
  • Isaac
  • Falorin Halloway
  • Rinchu Katohashi
  • Segran
  • Faida
  • Hrafn
  • Nicholay
  • Lucia Rose (Not the same Lucia from RB:SI)
  • Gaelnis


  • Kor Schollen
  • Gliding Eagle

Chiming Bells (Also a very old story; Most of then are not in my portfolio. But you can read about 3 pages of it in the fan comics section of my portfolio.)

  • Shiho Tsubaho
  • Haiko Tsubaho (Shiho's sister)
  • Nikishi Shanabe (Formerly Naoko Shanabe; Nikishi is actually her original name, though.)
  • Raccuro
  • This demon-girl... I can't remember her name. xD (THAT'S HOW OLD THIS STORY IS.)
  • Sparrow
  • Joe (Yes. There is really a character named Joe.)


  • Mikato Asahi (Formerly Mikato Ahasi; in the same "story" as Ichio. There really is no story.)
  • Ichio Katano (In the same "story" as Mikato.)
  • Jamal Dilag (KH OC)
  • Minata (no storyline; may appear in Dreams)
  • 10 of Diamonds (no storyline; may appear in Dreams)

*Not present in the comic, but appear in A Life Like This, which includes many of the same characters in RB:SI.
**Designed by my friend, given a personality and story by me.

...I think that's all of them. There's still some more characters needed for a couple stories, as you can see. And RB:SI definitely has the most characters. xD But most of them are unimportant. The main ones are Dare, Loyal, Rick, Zack, and Michka. And kind of Tim. And I just like Damian.
The reason there are so many characters is because of all the background stories and traveling across the US + some of Europe.

So... I counted 71 characters total. I think. But I don't even use all of these characters. xD; It's not a whole lot of characters, considering some people have like... 100+ characters. xD

Um... one more thing before ending this freakishly long post. xD My mom bought me a piece of music to play on the violin:

It's pretty easy, actually. I'll probably learn it in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll record myself playing it so you can hear it, too. 8D HOORAY! And now that's all. Thanks for reading!! xD;;;;


CURRENTLY WORKING ON: way too much lasdkjflasdjfalsdfasdfasdf. sdfsf.

School's out. :d
Now I can do stuff. :d
I think I did well on my finals, but I didn't go to the last day of school (I was feeling sick), so I don't know yet... I'll get my grades in the mail later this summer.

Lately I've been getting pretty enthused about my My Dear Princess story. I came up with a lot of ideas for the story! :D So I might actually get around to drawing it this summer. :) Or some of it, at least.
Oh yeah, and TAOMAR.

Lazy post.


High School Musical. haven't watched that one in like, Avogadro's number of years. xD

I entered this t-shirt design contest for the orchestra shirt we're wearing next year.
AND I WON!!!!!
Sorry I never showed you all the picture I submitted. xD; I'll show it to you when it's on the SHIIIIIIIIRRRRTTTT!!!!!
But anyways yeah. That makes me happy.

"And it coats it with a substance that is still kept highly secret."

Mood: Fine. :D
Recently added: I Know it Never Ends

THERE'S THIS CRAZY THING ON TV. Woah. It's weird. It's like, WATERPROOF/LIQUIDPROOF PAINT or something. CRAZYYYY. It's actually pretty intersting.

So yeah! I got my speech grade back earlier this week. I got a 91!!!! 8D YAAAAY, A-!!!! Hooray. xD;
I also performed my last orchestra concert for the year. It went pretty good! :) Soooooo yeah. Good.

Next week is the last week of school... sort of. There's 2 days of school on the Monday and Tuesday of the week after, but the school day on Tuesday's only like.... 3 hours long. SO SCHOOL'S ALMOST DONE, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
It's about time. You guys are already off of school, aren't you? D: LSDFJLASJDF.

Okay, lazy post... that's all. :)

Oh wait, one last thing.
My mom pronounces Aeropostale "Air-o-pos-TAL-eh". Or sometimes, "air-o-post-last-a-leh....?"