29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Groggish
Currently working on: Random doodles that I feel like drawing, even though I'm probably supposed to be working on something else... Oh yeah, and various ideas for My Dear Princess.

I was sick today, so I didn't go to school. ;3;
My gym teacher is really weird... when we miss a day of school, we have to write a paper about something gym/health related.
But oh well.

My nose has been clogged.... yeah. D: Kind of a yucky day.

I doodled. xD

Blah. Nothing else to say. How was your day?

I never have time to update. ;A;

Mood: Tired and sick. D:

I caught my friend's cold. >:I

I'm gonna finish up the song challenge with this post. :D I missed six days, and I had six days left....

day 25 - a song that makes you laugh

I already used a song by the Barenaked Ladies, but this song is just so funny to listen to.
For me at least.
I never knew what the last words were until I looked up the lyrics... I always thought he was speaking in a different language. xD
But it's just "Birchmount Stadium, home of the Robbie." I don't even know what the Robbie is. xD

day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument

This is a barely. I can barely play this on violin. :I And I play second violin, so it's not like I play all the high-pitch stuff. Also, when my orchestra played this at a concert, we took it a bit slower. xD

day 27 - a song that you wish you could play

I couldn't find a good youtube video of the song I really want to play... but I want to play this one too. :d
This song reminds me of Luli.

day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty

Um.... I don't know. xD (YES, I'M TERRIBLE...)

I like this song. :U Which is rare, since I don't really like much Japanese music.
I couldn't find the plain opening, I could only find the full. >:I So there.

day 29 - a song from your childhood

I know about 1230o7530 of you will think this is the weirdest song ever. xD But this song always reminds me of a little gradeschooler me sitting in the car seat dancing to this song.
Because that's what I used to do. xD

day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year

Well, I started with Sugar Ray, I think I'll end with Sugar Ray.

I think I like this Sugar Ray song best. But I also like Fly. Fly is the only Sugar Ray song my dad likes. xD
As many people on youtube say (because I became a comment stalker after joining theO), as well as myself says, Sugar Ray reminds me of summer.

And that's a wrap! :D

Weekends over. ;3;

Mood: Gruh.

So I finally posted my new character dude. Pshyaahhhhhh.
On a side note, I think it's a little odd when people spell "yeah/yea" as "ya", because I then read it as "yah."
But anyways.

Also, sorry for the lack of updates in the Something Impossible comic. But I'm sure you're used to it. "orz I'm somewhat unreliable when it comes to drawing on a schedule-type thing....
"I may be
La la la!
Ladedadeda daaaah!"

From Seussical: "Amayzing Mayzie"... or one of the many variants of the song throughout the musical. Anyways.

Song challenge.

Full List: [click]

day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral

I don't know. D:
How about this:

DEPRESSING SONG.... That way everyone will cry at my funeral. Hohoho. Wait, this is not funny, it's my funeral. ;A;
So yes.
This is secretly the father of all emo music.

I just scrubbed my hand with a sponge.

Mood: Stinky. (I was at Ulta, a make-up store, and kept on trying the tester perfumes. They all smelled weird. xD)

Yeah, I really did just scrub my hand with a sponge.
My little sis bought a foutain pen (for who knows why), and I accidentally got ink on my fingers. xD It wasn't coming off with just soap and water, so I used a sponge.
Then it came off. :D HOORAY! xD;;

Time for the song challenge....

Full List: [click]

day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding

... :I I actually don't think about these kinds of things, so I have no idea.

HAHA, very obvious. But that's how I roll.


Mood: SEUSS! Seuuuuuss Seuss Seuss Seuu~~uss!

I'm going to go see my highschool's production of Seussical: The Musical.
Again. xD
Takara's in it.

BUT BEFORE I GO, here's some songs I owe you.
I've been busy with school. xD;

day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio

There's this new guy doing the radio station I always listen to, and HE ALWAYS DOES THIS SONG. AAAGH. But I like this song.
Unless I hear it too much. xD

day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio

Mostly I just like the chorus. xD; But I do like the song...
It's one of the songs my dad likes, but it's hardly ever on the radio. Anyways.

day 19 - a song from your favorite album

Favorite album...?

My dad has this Zombies CD. I love The Zombies, they're so mellow. OR something. xD AND NERDS...

day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry

I'm not usually angry, but...

ROCK BAND SONG! Pearl Jam. My mom likes Pearl Jam, surprisingly. For me, at least. xD
I don't actually listen to music when I'm angry. I think.

day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy

Aha, idk. I listen to anything when I'm happy. :d SUPERTRAMP GUY HAS A FUNNY VOICE. Hahaha.

day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad

Yeah. Song. It's more modern, so maybe you guys know it. :D

OKAY, I THINK I'M ALL CAUGHT UP NOW. I need to go eat now. :> See ya!