29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Noice. xD
Currently working on: Ahahaheheheohohoho.... ._.

Hey everyone! 8D
I was reading Spider Man in the newspaper a couple days ago. (??!?!?) Yeahhh...
I don't normally read Spider Man, but THE STORY IS GETTING SO STRANGE. xD
Currently, Spider Man's Aunt May is getting married to MOLE MAN.
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And if that wasn't weird enough, Aunt May suddendly starts DYING OUT OF NO WHERE and the priest who's getting the two married just so happens to be a part-time doctor, and diagnoses her with some sort of lung disease.

Well, that's it for my rant on Spider Man...

I really really really want to draw Tim, but HIS HAIR IS SUCH A BUTT OH MY GOODNESS WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE EASY HAIR AAAGH.
He's too hard to draw. ;~;
The same goes for Zack...
I also want to draw my tinierme selfy. 8D
If you have a tinierme account, my tinierme account is moonlitdream, and you can come visit me. ;w;

New avatario

Mood: alalla.

Yay, new avatar. Rick again...
It's only temporary, I'm working on something else for my avatar.
I just wanted to get rid of the random one of Dare's face. xD;
Big version:
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Drew the picture today on SAI. :M Yup....
Rick is easy to draw in frontal view, but hard to draw 3/4ths view. Which is weird. ._.
Also, Dare is hard to draw facing to the right. D: I hate drawing people facing the right...
Well actually, it's alright for Michka and Loyal for some reason. xD;

I am a butter-FLYYYYY!!!

Mood: Morning. (what kind of mood is this? xD;)
Currently working on: A PICTURE OF TB, WOOAAHHHH. And about a million other things. xD
Recently added: Pit-ta-ta-ta for Sayura-chaaaaan. :D

Takara made me listen to this weird song that goes I AM A BUTTER-FLYYYYYYY~~~~!!!!! at the end. It's called Me and the Moon by Something Corporate.... I think. xD;
Their band name reminds me of SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE.

Anyways, hello. :D Yesterday I typed out this whole post, but the internet stopped working and closed the page before I had the chance to copy the post. xD; Yeah.
I have a 3-day weekend, so maybe I'll get some drawings done. xD I have about a million sketches done, but I can't muster the effort to ink and color them. orz

I'm reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding for school. (spoilers ahead)
I don't want to read it anymore because SIMON DIEDDDD. ;A;A;A;A; He was this really cute kid who was nice to all the other kids, but everyone thought he was "batty", and killed him because they thought he was THUH BEAST. (It was dark and raining and he was muddy and the boys couldn't see well.... so they killed him.)
Pretty much, he was the only character I liked. Well actually, I like Ralph and Piggy too. BUT PIGGY DIES TOOOOOOOO. WHAT.
Why do all the good characters die. AND WHY ARE THEY DYING, PERIOD?
They always make us read depressing books at school. >:I

Oh, and I also watched this video on youtube about British slang. xDD I watched it b/c I wanted to know more about British speech for when I come up with Damian's dialouge in the RB comic. xD; And because I just like listening to stuff like this...
Anyone from London or around the London area? If so, I may ask you for dialouge assistance one day...
Anyways, here's the video.

Some (or even all) of these words are probably not used commonly... but I don't know because I've never really talked to someone from England in person. xD
By the way, Takara thinks the guy in the video looks like Damian.
Maybe with glasses...
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Mood: Aaahahaha... >____>

Check out this weird thing I made years ago.
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Also, I was looking at my old xanga site (I semi-rp as Dare there now... meh. Just babblings and stuff... TALK TO HIM, HE'S LONELY.), and I found this weird story I wrote for someone.
Here's an excerpt from the story:
NapkinBoy flew to the park, where moofy was waiting.
"MOOFY!!" he said, "What did you need me for?"
"Im glad youre here, NapkinBoy, because there is an old lady stuck in a tree!" cried Moofy.
"An old lady stuck in a tree??" exclaimed napkinboy," how did she get up there??"
"Well," started Moofy, "There was a cat stuck in a tree, so the fireman tried to get the cat out, but then HE got stuck, so then a manta ray swam through the air into the tree, to try to help them, but got stuck too. So finally, the old lady came to the rescue, and got everyone out. But now shes stuck in the tree, because she's afraid of heights."
"Oh!" said NapkinBoy. " Makes Perfect sense!"
...Yeah, I wrote that two and a half years ago. xD

Aaaanddd... that's all for now. :> Boring post, sorry. xD;

I love SAI's magic wand tool.

Mood: Color-y
Currently working on: A picture of Kasey, something for the Manga Music Video challenge, other stuff...

I'm coloring a picture right now... and I just discovered where SAI's magic wand tool is. Usually I hate using the magic wand tool because when I used gimp, it.... didn't work very well. xD;
It's not perfect...
but it's pretty close.

Also, IT'S SNOWING!! 8D Or it was. It's not anymore.... But there's snow outside. :D I hope school is canceled on Monday....

Um... Not much really to say besides that. :M Sorry for always bombarding you guys with character profiles in your backroom. xD I mostly just post them so I remember stuff about the characters and... yeah. :D

What'cha doing this weekend...?