29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: I know it's not Saturday.
Currently working on: Same as before. xD

It is Tuesday.
But Saturday, September 4th, is...
Random. But! He's one of the few characters of mine that actually has a birthday. xD The only other character of mine that has a birthday is Rick, I think. Rick's is August 23rd, but I totally forgot about it because... Idk. :I I'm just a meanie butt like that. xD

That's really all. xD
Oh. Except that I'm still upset that I can't do vibrato on the violin. <_>

Oh, and I want to learn a song on the guitar.
But only one song, since I'm lazy.
Until I learn how to play it, and then I'll record myself playing the song and post it here or something.

7 strikes! In a row! 7 strikes in a row! Yeah!

Mood: Content. :D
Currently working on: RB:SI ch. 1 pg. 2 draft, a picture for my RL friend, Miyoko and/or Hiroki for Fire.Freak, A picture for Icefoxchan, a picture for Arcticwulf, a picture for King-sama, and alsidthlktnwer3525tw34t for yuuranachi

I always title my world posts weird. xD; The title comes from something my dad said in a story from his childhood he was telling me and my sisters.

Hm. It seems like I'm working on a whole lot from the "currently working on" thing above, but pretty much all of them are just ideas in my head I don't want to forget. xD The only ones that are actually on paper are the page draft and the picture for my friend.... >_>

Oh yeah. Tomorrow I have a violin thing to go to! :D It's kind of a warm-up type mini-performance to get us ready for the school year, haha. Some of my friends will be there, so yay. :D I'm also ready to go back to playing violin in a group.... I don't really like playing solo... ;~;

So yeah... Got about 10 more days of summer, I think. :I I'm about halfway done with the book I talked about earlier, I'm on page 160. I managed to read about 60 pages last night! xD Yay.

That's all. See you later! :>

Chillin'. Bleep-blop-bloop.

Mood: Annoyed for no particular reason. D:
Currently working on: alsidthlktnwer3525tw34t

I've been watching too much Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. :I Title comes from what someone said in a TV show....

Anyways. I don't know what to post about, I just thougth I would.

Doo da do da do.

I guess that'll be all. :D
This was such a pointless post.

Hey guys, I'm back! :D

Mood: Groggy from sleeping in the car
Currently working on: Nothing, because I need to finish summer reading and homework. ;A;
Recently added: 4, 3, 2, 1

Heyoooo. I'm back from Massachusetts. :D Takara and I went to Boston University and Boston College.... because we're looking for colleges. Mostly Takara. But still me, too. :d
I heard people with Boston accents. They're kinda cute, but they'd probably get really annoying... >_>
Oh yeah, we also went to Fenway Park. 8D
I'm not really a big baseball fan, but it was kinda cool to see the stuff there and learn about the history of the team and the stadium thing.... Yeah.

I also got Okami for the Wii. 8D Kinda late, but... yeah. I got it. xD;
It's SO HARD AT FIRST, mostly because I don't have a very steady hand and I'm bad at drawing with the paintbrush and waving the wii remote. xD But I'm getting the hang of it....
I haven't gotten very far. ._.

Oh yeah, schools starting soon, and I'm going to be drawing less, obviously. Not that I even draw a whole lot anymore. ;A;
But yeah. I have a week and a half left of break, and I need to read a 300 page book and finish a worksheet! 8D


Mood: Pretty good
Currenlty working on: Too much. D:
Recently added: Happy Birthday, Harvestmoonluvr; RB:SI Ch. 1 splash page, Bonus Strip, ch. 1 pg. 1

I have a song in my head, which is wear the title comes from.
Streetlights blink on through the car WINDOOOWWWSSSSSS.....

I'm going to Massachusetts soon! :D
I'm gonna see my cousin and aunt and uncle. :d
And apparentally, take a hike up a mountain.
HO BOY... If you know me, I'm not very good with the great outdoors....

There were a lot of spiders in my house the other day. D: I only killed one of them, my little sister killed around 5, and then she sprayed this really big one with floor polish...
We were doing chores, you see.
Well, the spider that was sprayed kind of died (or it looked dead), but we were too wimpy to go over and put it in the trash, so we waited till our mom got home, and she threw it away. :D

Idk what to post about. xD; It's summer, I'm not doing much.
I'll try to finish up some comic pages.
I think Tomato is calling out to me. He wants me to draw some comics with him in it.

Anyone doing anything this weekend....? :I
I totally thought it was thursday today....