29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

It's in the bag (?!)

Mood: I wish I had a scanner

Totally random title. Seriously. x3
So. I had a pretty good Christmas. ^_^ I got a ton of clothes this year since I didn't know what I wanted from people... But I got good clothes, so it's all fine and dandy. :D
OH!! I also got 2 NEW SKETCHBOOKS!!! Each with 100 pages. xD Yay. Be prepared for a bombard of sketches when I get back from my grandma's house.
Speaking of my grandma's house...
I'm at my mom's mom's house, and she has a scanner. The only problem is that IT DOESN'T WORK. D:< I feel an awful lot like the person I drew in a picture. Here, lemme scan it and show it to you-- OH WAIT! I CAN'T. -_-
But whatever, I'll just scan all my stuff when I get back home on... Sunday or something. xD
Oh! And.
I got Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All for Christmas. :D I actually wanted the first game in the series since I've never played the Phoenix Wright games before. But I didn't know what it was called, so I just asked my grandma to get Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. Yeahh...
I'm pretty sure that Justice for All is the last game in the series, isn't it? xD; I barely know any of the characters, except for the few that I've seen in fan comics.
And what's this?! EDGEWORTH IS DEAD?! D:< He's like, my favorite character. Even though I know absolutely nothing about him.
Someone tell me he's not really dead. Or at least someone tell me how he died. It would be nice to fill in the gaps...
So uh... Yeah. I'm on the 2nd case of the game, the one where you have to prove that Maya or whatever is not guilty.
But alas... I was playing on my cousin's DS, and it died. She also forgot the charger, so she'll have to pick it up from her dad's before I can finish the case. xD;;

So. I had a good Christmas. I hope you all did too. :D
By the way.
I'll be done with the Kirsor Christmas picture soon, even though it's already after Christmas.
Too bad I won't be able to upload it until I get back home. xD;;

Architectual Progress

Mood: Yeah. :d
Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture
Recently added: 2009 Art Summary YEAH

Yo! Do you like the super scientific sounding title? xD
What it basically means is that I'm getting better at drawing houses and stuff. Architecture. :3 Yeah.
You see, I'm drawing this picture on Tegakie, and there aren't any people in the picture. Just... houses and a clock and a gate.
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I haven't started the houses yet, obviously. But I'm hoping to finish the clock soon, and start the gate a little more. The gate's actually going to look like this:
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The pic's of the scenery in my comic-to-be, Dreams. Yup.
Does anyone have any pictures of cute little houses? xD;


Mood: Satisfied
Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture
Recently added: RB:SI pg 5

I've finally decided.
You may or may not remember this from many posts ago, but I've decided what to do with Rinchu.
Instead of making the entire 3rd chapter about Marth and Rinchu, I'm going to skip that and go straight to the chapter that was going to be chapter 4. :3 But! I'm going to incorporate some of the Rinchu-Marth chapter into it.
So yay! I'm quite the satisfied. :D I get to go straight to the chapter I want to draw, Rinchu won't be as annoying because the whole chapter won't be about her, Marth gets to be a man, and I get to use all the characters I wanted to use from the beginning. ^^ YES! >:D
So yeah.
Compromise! :3


Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), "Fancy" Outfit Desings (for Michka, Zack, Dare, and Loyal), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture
Recently added: Comic pages... 3 and 4

Because of the snow, I don't have school until after break, which is in January. :DDDDD YAYYY! So I have 2 weeks off of school.
That's all. :>
And since this post is so short, have a WIP.
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Character Genders...

Currenlty working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), "Fancy" Outfit Desings (for Michka, Zack, Dare, and Loyal), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture

Hey guys. Just wondering... What character gender do you like more? Female? Male? Other? (?!!)
Obviously, I like male characters more...
Roy, Marth, Ike, and Pit, of course. Then there's Sothe, and recently Gob, and Luke, and Professor Layton, Allen, and so on...
Then out of my characters, there's Zack, Dare, Rick, Damian, Falorin... yeah. My least favorite male character of mine is Alcott, and I don't even dislike him that much. He's just... a jerk. For the time being.

BUT! I do like female characters too. Like... Elie, from Rave Master... Shinku and Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden... Lenalee from D.Gray-man... yeah. Then out of my characters, I like Michka best, then Loyal, Luli, Charlotte, and so on... My least favorite female character of mine is Rinchu. Who I really don't like anymore. Dx She's so... annoying. I'm sorry Rinchu. I didn't mean for you to turn out like this.

Male, Female, or other? What do you like more?