29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Dreams WIP again

I was working on this today, and finished coloring Alcott. :D
External Image
Should I change his hair, though? I don't like how I colored it...
Hula. (?)

Bow sh-pow wow yow! >:D

Mood: Energetic
Currently working on: So much stuff. xD

SHUH-BAM! Hey guys. You probably noticed in my last few entries that I've been pretty bummed-out lately.
You: I didn't notice.
D,:< Who broke my heart. YOU DID, YOU DID. (It's from a song.)
Yeah. You didn't really break my heart. But anyways, I've been pretty bummed because I don't submit art like I used to. And my coloring style has gone downhill since summer.
And then.
I lost two subscribers this morning.
And I was like, HEY. There's no need to be so bummed about not drawing. :D (For some reason.)
And TA-DA! I'm energetic again. 8DDDD YEMEN. (I think Yemen is a country. It sounds like Yeah, Man.)
So anyways.
Case Closed/Detective Conan episodes 23 and 24 spoilers follow... I'm not blocking out spoilers.
My friends came over yesterday for Halloween, and one of them likes to watch Case Closed. It's a good anime, yeah, but I don't usually have a lot of time to watch it. :,< I've only seen 4 episodes. xD;; My friend's seen them all, apparentally, except the valentines day one.
But anyways, that's not what I'm talking about.
When we turned to the FUNimation channel, episode 23 was on. (Smooth Sailing part 1, I think. If you haven't watched it, you can see it on youtube.) So we watched that. And part two.
And I was so right about Lucas being the killer. >:DDD
I mean, look!
External Image (I was watching on youtube, and screencapped (sp?) this picture. xD; Its from episode 24.)
He's the dude with the sketchpad, by the way.
He was also my favorite character for the episode. xDD
I knew he'd be the killer from the moment he appeared. I mean, just look at him sketching away in his sketchpad. So suspicious... xD Ahaha.
I want to draw him now. :d Maybe later.

Yeah! :D So that's all the news for now. I hope you had a good halloween!! ^^ YAY!
OH! I ALSO HAVE A 4 DAY WEEKEND! (It ends on teusday.) :D

Since I still don't have any pictures...

Hey, check out this paper I wrote for world history class. It was supposed to be what would happen if people from a different planet came to earth, and the entire earth population was wiped out, and what the aliens thought of the things they found.

(Pictures are a fork, a pitchfork, a spoon, and a shovel.)

These items were found in many compartments of wooden blocks and shelf-like structures of the humans' shelters, with a standard size of about 4 or 5 inches long. We believe them to be torture and hunting devices for small and large animals alike, and perhaps even to other humans. The sharp pointed prongs on one tool was perfect for piercing into skin. (A fork, and the larger one, a pitchfork) The round and flat tool was used as a paddle for smacking smaller animals, with larger ones for big animals and humans. (A spoon, and the larger one a shovel.)

The pronged tool came in various sizes, from as small as 3 inches to several feet long. The longer, larger versions of this tool must have been used for torturing large animals or humans, as it is built sturdier and with sharper points. We think that the smaller versions were used to discipline and/or torture smaller animals, such as pets or slaves.

The "torture tools", as we call them, didn't only com in many sizes, but also in many different designs. The roundish tool would sometimes be very hollow and used to smack indents into the animals skin. (A teaspoon or tablespoon) The flatter ones would produce excruciating pain when slapped against an animal. (A spoon for soup) The pronged tool would usually have 2 to 5 prongs on the end, though we're not quite sure what difference it makes yet. Perhaps the torture treatment is more effective with 5 prongs than 2?

Both tools had intricate designs on the handles, showing just how artistic these humans are, though to come up with such horrifying devices, they must have been a cruel species.

....I'm such a gruesome person without even realizing it. Dx
Yes, I did actually turn this in. I think I got 100. xD;; Oh, but I just added in the parenthesis parts for your convenience.


I'm alive.
I have to shower now. Sorry for the COMPLETELY BORING post.
And for not having art.
And for being stupid and scatterbrained. I want to enter so many challenges, but I cant. TT______TT
By the way, I lost my coloring style for traditional and digital art. again.


Mood: Blahrgh. (?)
Currently working on: too much. Dx
Recently added: RB:SI pg. 2 (the title was too long, so I shortened it. xD), And he's back., Professor Layton, Dragonica Wallpaper

I forgot what I was gonna say. Dx
I have my first orchestra concert for the school year on wednesday. :D Too bad I'm COMPLETELY UNPREPARED. Dx Dx Well, not completely. :3 I've got about 1 song down... I'm gonna have to practice like the wind to get the rest of the songs engrained (??) in my head. xD

But also. I'm thinking about downloading the free-trial of Paintool SAI. o3o Y'know, just to see how it works and stuff. But I'm also afraid that it might do something to my computer. My computer is really virus'd and stuff, and I think it might make an ordinary program go out of whack. For example, when I installed my tablet, the scanner stopped working (for a while), and... other stuff. It's not really a big deal, but still.
Um. Yeah. So. Should... I download it? o3o Er. Sorry for always going to you guys when I need advice. xD;

Oh yeah, and recently, I've beed drawing people with oddly long necks. D: I remember in 7th grade, I used to draw necks like STUMPS. EW THEY WERE SO ugly. D: But now my people are starting to become GIRAFFES. Dx In a year or so, my drawings will have MILE LONG NECKS. Maybe. Worst possible scenerio.

Yup, that's all. Thanks for reading my horrobly stupid ranting. xD;;