29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

Akioh-saaaan... Where are you?? :D

Mood: AOWRETIHAYA STRESSED, TIRED, BLEH, but not nessisarily unhappy.
Currently working on: Random stuff that isn't on my to-do list. TT_TT;;;;;;;
Recenlty added: My animeeeeh, He is quite the irritated, AOWRETIHAYA ROCK BAND COMIC!!!! 8DDDDDD YEAH.

Where is Akioh? Akioh's at school. :d She also took all honors classes and gets about 3 hours worth of homework every other day.
By the way.
I'm taking a Japanese language class. FINALLY. Goshhh.
My Japanese teacher like the band The Police, by thuh way. :D I was wearing my The Police shirt, and he was like "The Police are my all time favorite band."
Yeah. You've probably guessed that I have absolutely nothing important to say. -_- I don't really like talking about school, because that requires me to reflect on my day. My days are boring. You probably don't want to read boring stuff.
By the way! I FINALLY GOT THE ROCK BAND COMIC UP, IN CASE YOU DIDN'T NOTICE. :D CHECK IT OUT, YO. Even if it does only have one page... >_______>;;; I'LL ADD MORE SOON, I PROMISE.
I AM IMMENSLY SORRY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T GOTTEN BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. I've been pretty dead on coloring lately, and I pretty much can't color neatly whatsoever. D: BLARGH. I THINK I'M SMART. STUPID, STUPID. (Lyrics from a song... sorta.)
Blah blah.
I'll try to get contest stuff done. Don't count on it. TT_TT I'm too distracted with drawings I get from my head with no particular topic.

I hate drawing backgrounds. :<

Mood: dissapointed.

I go back to school on tuesday. D: NOOOO!!! Oh well... :<
Just saying that I hate drawing backgrounds.

We had a great day.... THE VERY BEST DA~AAY!!!

Mood: Sleepy/groggy... It's morining.
Currently working on: Dreams cover/Lolita Contest, My Own Anime?! challenge, J-pop Fasion challenge, Detective Diva's SUPER LATE b-day present, Your OCs in Style! challenge (again. x_X;;), TAOMAR, VG GRL's Contest
Recently added:Realism-ish attempt, Realism Attempt 2

First off. Do any of you watch The Fresh Beat Band on Nick jr? xD I've been watching it with my little sis, and I have the ending song stuck in my head. Hence the title of this post. Eh... At least they're better than the Doodlebops. They creeped me out. o__o; *Rant rant rant*

ANYWAYS, I'M ON A ROLL. >:D As far as drawing goes, I'm real hyped up. I"m planning out how to do a lot of the challenges/birthdays/stuff on my checklist, and I'm sketching away like crazy. xD I won't be so excited by the time I get to coloring/CGing stuff. x__x; Well, I've got my work cut out for me. >_> Kay.

Oh, and one last thing. Does anyone know how to contact the administrators and stuff? Because recently, in the comment part of your backroom, all the username links redirect you to www.username.theotaku.com instead of www.theotaku.com/portfolio/username. I don't know if it's been reported already, but I'm just wondering if someone could tell an administrator for me. >_<; I'm not really sure how to contact them.

Thanks for reading. :D


Currently working on: Dreams cover/Lolita Contest, My Own Anime?! challenge (I got a different idea...), TAOMAR, VG GRL's Contest, OTHER CRAP AOWRETIHAYA (Sorry. I don't think this stuff is crap, I'm just frustrated. x_x;;)
Recently added: Professor's Apprentice

As in, it's been such a long time since I've posted in my world. :O About 2 weeks, I think...

So I've decided to not do the Your OCs in style! challenge after all. I drew the picture and started coloring it, but I realized I messed up a lot. So MEH. FORGET IT.
Summer's almost over! I go to school next week. D: D: D: NOOOOOO. I barely drew ANYTHING. ARRGHH. I am a failure of a person who should be drawing stuff.
AOWRETIHAYAAOSTHISLHOWEITHA. Bleh. :< I'm probably not going to finish the Lolita Contest pic in time. D: I'm only like... 50% done w/ the coloring. Plus, I only have about a week to finish. D: D: D: I'll have even less time as well, because of school. >_<; IT'S TIME TO GO INTO SUPER SPEED COLORING MODE. D:< GRAHHH.
Time to get working on stuff.

Professor Layton's Excellent Adventure

Mood: bored
Currently working on: Dreams cover/Lolita Contest, My Own Anime?! challenge, You're OCs in Style! challenge, Rock Band Comic, TAOMAR, VG GRL's Contest, more stuff...
Recenlty Added: TAOMAR - Ch. 2, pg. 26

As the title says, I'm going to be talking about the video game Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Also in the title, I'm also going to be talking about a movie called Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Starting with the latter.

So my dad rented a movie called Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure for the family to watch. Basically, it was about two high school seniors, Bill and Ted, with a dream to be ROCK STARS. But unfortunately, they were failing their history class. If they don't get an A+ on their final history report, they flunk out of shool. And if they flunk out of school, Ted has to go to military school. Or something. BUT THEN. A man from 500 years in the future goes back to 1988 (which is the current time of the movie) in a time-traveling phone booth, and gives it to Bill and Ted to travel through history in order to ace their history report. Yaaaaaay.
What did I think of the movie?
Ahahaha. Not funny.
But really, I reccomend it to people who like comedy movies with silly characters. xD

Anyways, on to a more otaku-related topic.
I really wish they kept the name to Professor Layton and Pandora's Box or The Elysian Box or something. Diabolical just sounds too... extreme. xD
It's just about one of the best games I've ever played. I LOVE Professor Layton games. They're so much fun! AND YOU LEARNNN!!! 8D Ahaha. I actually really like mind puzzles. :> But aside from the puzzles, the game's got a great storyline, tons of mysteries, voice acting, animated scenes, and great music. :D It's really terrific. I don't want to spoil the game for y'all, so I'll keep quiet on how the mysteries play out. ;3
And to wrap up this long post, here's one of the best lines from the game.

"This train is so posh, I feel like I should be wearing a monocle!"
-Luke, Professor Layton's Apprentice (from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box)