29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:

ANAKIN skywalker.

Mood: Ehhh.... School starts in 2 weeks...
Currently working on: Dreams cover/Lolita Contest, My Own Anime?! challenge, You're OCs in Style! challenge, Rock Band Comic, TAOMAR, VG GRL's Contest (I'VE GOT AN IDEA!! :D), more stuff...
Recently Added: Gero Chan's Line Art, Jigglypuff-sensei and pikachu-sensei

So guys.
On saturday, I saw Ponyo. It was really cute. I reccomend it to Miyazaki fans. Although, I liked some of his other movies more. (ie: Nausicaa, Howl's moving castle...) But it was still good.
Huh... You're probably wondering what the title means.
My little sis went to the lego store at the mall a few days ago. She didn't buy anything, but I got this AWESOME ANAKIN SKYWALKER LEGO KEYCHAIN. Cos we all know Anakin is so much cooler than Luke. Even if he is Darth Vader. He's pretty amazing in the lego star wars game too. Especially as a kid. Even if all he can do is jump. >_>;;
Well.... Since you guys probably like pictures more than you like words, here's an update on how I'm doing with the Lolita Contest pic:
I finally finished the base colors for Alcott, as well as finishing shading for his eyes, skin, and hair. xD; Ha. It's quite tiring. x_x;;;


Mood: EW. WORK.

I have so much stuff to finish! D: D: D:
And because I'm bored, I'm going to post WIPs of the stuff I'm working on.
So I'm working on 3 CG pics right now. (Dx) That's a real pain for me... >_> I should probably work on the Lolita Contest pic more... ._. Anyways, here they are.

External Image
Lolita Contest pic

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Random Pic...

External Image
This one probably looks really strange since I haven't colored the eyes. xD; It's for the Anime Screenshot challenge...

Just posting these to show you that I haven't given up on drawing, it's just taking me a long time. x_x;
Oh, and I am working on other stuff too. They're traditional art, though, so I don't feel like scanning them.

Quiiick update.


Hey guys.
I just feel like updating in my world so you know I'm not dead or anything. :D
Anyways, I'm playing TALES OF THE ABYSS.
((Spoilers for the game ahead...))
Everyone's being a jerk to Luke because he killed/sunk/whatever... DESTROYED Akzeriuth. D: Awwh. I don't think it was his fault, but I guess that's because I was playing as him. x3 (That doesn't make sense. >_>) Yeah. Well. They're all being jerks. Except Guy. Which is much appreciated.
-3- I don't like jerks.
Oh, and Luke looks better with short hair. :D
That's all. LATERZ.

Europe and life. Because I feel like bunching them together like that.

Mood: Oil-y. As in my skin. I've got acne. D: (???)
Currently working on: My Own Anime?! challenge, You're OCs in Style! challenge, Tomato, Gero-chan's line art, Rock Band Comic, more stuff...
... what?
You didn't know I went to Europe?
Ahahahaha. ha.
Anyways. If you want pictures of the trip, read Takara's (afterglow's) post in her world. (I'm being lazy, sorry sorry. x_x;)
But I can tell you a little about Europe.
I went to Paris and London.
In Paris.
Almost everyone.
Yeah. No duh.
But it was really weird, because you couldn't understand anything people were saying around you! Not even something like "How was your day?" "It was good, blah blah blah...". It was all FRENCH. I'm bad at French. Really. I know about 5 words in French. Yaaay.
Oh yeah! And on the metro, you had to open the doors manually. o_o That confused my family at first, because we were waiting for the doors to open. xDD; HAHA. WE'RE STUPID. 8DDDD
Umm... what else.. Oh, and the food was different than what I was used to. It was too... fancy? Exotic? I dunno. Just different.
AFTER WE WENT TO PARIS, we went to LONDON!!!! :DDDDDD Yeah. I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to, because my mom would probably think I was weird for taking random pictures of the streets. (I wanted to use the pictures so I could draw places in London and Paris, for comics and stuff.)
Uhh. I liked London better, because people spoke English. 8D But the people at the hotel were nicer, too. :> Yaaaay.
So then.
After that, we went hooooome.
When I got home, one of the first things I wanted to do was go on the computer. (To see alla you guysss!!! 8DDD)
I also wanted to play ROCK BAND. AHAHAHA. Yeah. I was really missing playing the game. xDD;
Oh, I also went biking for a little when we got back. 8D EXERCISE! BOO YAH!

Umm. I guess I'll briefly talk about life now.I have 3 weeks left of summer break. D: D: D:
I get back to school on the 7th. I think. x_x;;;
Blegh. I still have some summer reading to do.
OH MY GOSH, ERAGON'S SO ADORABLE!!! xDDDD Awwh. I love Saphira, too. :DDD So cool.
Yeah. Eragon is amazing. I reccomend it. :> And not the movie. xD

that's all.


Mood: I'M BACK.
Recently added: For Michka. ^^

Hey guys. I'M BACK. but I'm sure you already know that.
I'm not going to talk about my trip yet, though.
Since I was gone a week, I missed a lot of updates.
So go ahead and put updates you want me over this week to see in the comment box. And stuff. Because I wanna see them. And I like commenting. :D