29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


For all of you w/ contests and birthdays I needa draw, you don't mind if I piggyback, do you?
For example:

KirSor b-day pic for Harvestmoonluvr (b-day and kirSor challenge)

Cover for manga (called Dreams) (Lolita contest and Comic Cover)

AND MORE. Probably.
Doing this will cut my work to do in half. You don't mind, do you? >.<;

(BY THE WAY, that little think up there for a manga called Dreams is just going to be a place holder. I don't have much of a story yet, but it's the manga with Luli in it. :D Yay!)

So... please tell me if you don't want me to piggyback your contest/birthday gift. thanks.

And it only took another month.

Currently working on: TAOMAR- ch. 2, pg. 25 (HOLY COW. BIG SHOCKER THERE. :O), Rock Band comic, pg. 5 (I have the 1st 4 pages allmost completely inked, but I'm having doubts about the cover...)
Recently added: DeVron, Marth and Roy Chibis
SHOULD BE working on: VG GRL's contest, Lolita Contest, Art trade with Gero-Chan, other stuff... Remind me, kay? x3

So, it's been like... A month since summer break started... And it finally sunk in TODAY. Wow... I have really delayed reactions. x3
I finally realized that I CAN WORK ON COMICS!!!!! :O
But anyways, I have a few things to say today. First, sorry for being INACTIVE. Dx I'm trying to think of stuff to draw for birthdays, but I can't! D: I'm completely dead! Or lazy. >_>;
2nd, I AM INDEED working on TAOMAR. Hahaha. Ha. Finally. Sorry for the long wait, I completely lost the plot of chapter two somewhere along the way. x3 But hey! It'll be done soon...
But I have gotten some progress... I was planning out the next few pages, and I'm almost completely done w/ ch. 2 pg 25. :D I ALSO mapped out pretty much the entire school. :O It's pretty simple, because each floor is pretty much the same, but yeah... It took some time. Eh. Maybe I'll scann the paper later. x3 Har.
Next, I'm having trouble starting the RB comic. I mean, If I could just get the cover up, I'd start uploading pages. BUT... I'm having trouble with the cover. I said I'd make it look like a magazine cover, but I don't really read magazines.... So I don't know what one looks like. Dx;; Yeah. If anyone wants to try to desing the cover for me, PM me and I'll tell you the dimisions (sp?), and send you the pic. (I can't make the BG transparent, unfortunately, so deal with the white background.) If you DO PM me about this, I WILL BE SOOOO THANKFUL~~~ I'M HAVING BIG TROUBLE WITH THE COVER, SO PLEASE HELP OUT. If you DO design the cover, I'll do something in return, like draw a picture or something... So. thanks.
Lastly, contests.... >_>
Dude, I don't even know why I enter so many contests. x3 But HEY. My TO DO list is kinda small now, so I can work on them. :D YAY FOR YOU GUYS.
As for Otakon, I'll talk about it later. x3 I didn't do much. But the masquerade was pretty cool. :D

Thank you for your time.


Hey guys, I'm working on an icon for me. Sorry to those of you who put in your votes earlier, but I didn't want to not have Marth or Roy in my icon. ;3; So I put them both in there.
My current icon is the unfinished version. It'll be shaded when I finish.
That's all.
Have a BEAUTIFUL DAY! (daaaaaay~~~) Don't let it get away...

Guess who saw Harry Potter today?

Mood: :D
Currently working on: AOWRETIHAYA
Recently added: Happy Late Birthday!

Yeah, I don't want to spoil it or anything, so...
It was good. :D
I've never read the books, but I can tell that they did leave out some stuff though. So you Harry Potter book-readers may be a little dissapointed. :3
It was funny and cute and intense all at the same time. Especially when Harry drank the liquid luck. xDD
So yeah.

More WIP and stuff

External Image
...Just to show Icefoxchan how her b-day present is coming along... >_> I still have tons of stuff to do.... x_x;;;