29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

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Icon sketches

I made some sketches for my icon/avatar thing. Which one do you want me to use?
External Image

Vote for the number you want in the comment box. ^^
sorry... I can never make desicions for myself. Dx

I STILL don't like making titles.

Mood: Satisfied
Currently working on: SPEED RACER! 8D
Recently added: Modern Sothe, Group Pic! :D

I have recently gotten a new obsession.
And it's
You see, I'm going to draw him for the "favorite old anime" challenge. C: Why? Because 1) I like the anime, it's really random. xD and 2) HE'S BEAUTIFUL. xDDD
But seriously, he's really pretty. (I've been saying that a lot lately...) If you don't believe me, go google him or something. Because really, he has the pretties eyes. xDD
So yeah... I felt that it was nessisary to research a lot about the character before I drew him, so I learned a lot about Speed Racer...
...or should I say...
Go Mifune/?? xD Actually, it's Mifune Go... (That's his Japanese name, for those of you who didn't catch that.)
For some of you out there, you may have heard that "Speed" is just a nickname, and his surename is actually Gregory. (I think.) Hence the "G" on his shirt. But actually.
That's a lie. >:D (It was just made for the American's conveniences...)
The "G" is actually for his Japanese name, Go.
And the "M" on his car isn't for the Mach 5, but for Mifune Motors. (Called Racer Motors in the American one...)
There's your random facts on miscellanious anime today.


Mood: Frustrated

Now that OC month is over, I decided to draw the usual characters again. (Marth, Roy, Ike, and Pit.) But it looks like I FORGOT how to draw most of them. D:
Marth used to be the easiest to draw, and Ike used to be the hardest.
BUT NOW IT'S LIKE, THE OTHER WAY AROUNDDD. D: SEROUSLY. That's just not cool, man. -__-
Blarghhh. @_@ It's like my ability to draw Marth transferred to Ike or something. :D D:<
So, um...
Pretty much, OC month is not cool. x_x; Ahaha.... >_>


Mood: Herm...
Currently added: "Thank you" pic, Sothe- Modern Style
Recently added: [YAOI WARNING]...

I am debating with myself. Over whether or not I should actually have Rinchu in TAOMAR. I mean, she's a pretty pointless character either way, and having chapter 3 being the one where she's introduced would just delay the introduction of all the other characters. I figure she wouldn't be a very popular character either. And I think Marth would be better as a loner... like Ike...
But then again, if I take out the chapter with her in it, I wouldn't be able to have Charlotte in the story either. Plus, I would lose the oppritunity to have a fall festival thing.
BUT THEN AGAIN, the story would flow a lot better without her taking up a chunck of time in the story. That way I can just start of chapter 3 as the 1st weekend of the school year.
BUT THEN AGAIN there would be an uneaven ratio of boys to girls in the story. There'd be 4-6 boys (Marth, Roy, Ike, and Pit obviously, but sometimes Popo and Link), and 1-3 girls (Palutena, Nana, and Zelda). Then again, there is Samus and Peach as teachers, and if I had Michka's (fire.freak) permission, I could use Miyoko, Mari, and Hiroki from time to time...
I also could not use Rinchu, and reserve her for the other comic idea I have...
Beh. More babbling... Sorry for the semi-long post.
What do you think I should do, guys? D: Yay or nay on Rinchu in TAOMAR? (If you don't know what TAOMAR is, it's my really random comic about Marth and Roy. >_>)


Mood: Rant-ish

*I may give away some of the story to my upcoming comic*

Hey guys. :D
Like I said last time, I'll be ranting about Rock Band. Meaning, I'll be ranting about my comic. x3 I'll actually ink it soon, now that I have a really fine pen. (.25 mm! :O) Okay... this is beginning to become a rant on pens. >.>; Back on topic, now...
I guess I can talk about the characters a little first. :D
First.... Michka...
She was the first character I made in rock band. :D I like her hair. It's called Lolita. x3 IT'S TOO HARD TO DRAW, THOUGHHH. D: Gosh. It ends up looking like some ugly wavy mess when I draw it.
Anywho, I had a hard time coming up with the type of clothes to give her at first. I first tried a sweet style, but that was completely dumped. xDD So I settled with... whatever she is now. xD Not really sure...
Ahem. Yeah.
Anywho... she's the guitarist of the band and all, blah blah blah.... She's a little crazy. xD And she has a bad temper. :D her mood changes a lot, too. :D Doop-de-doop....
She used to date Zack, by the way. Back in high school. (To Takara: I made this up, okay??? D: It helps with the story!!) I'm not really sure why she dumped him yet, (Yes, SHE dumped HIM) but something along the lines of him being a jerk without him realizing it. I dunno. Zack's still in love with her, though, and is trying to win her back. (?) So, um....
Did I mention that they're not teenagers? You actually might already know that if you read their character profiles... But Dare and Rick are the only two that are in high school.
Anywho, Loyal is Takara's character in rock band, and Zack is my other sister's character. C: Takara actually has another character, Lucia, but she mostly used her in my cousins' rock band game. (That was for the band called the Fire breathin grandpaZ. x3) I think I'll have the characters for the other band appear too, because Michka's sister Laetitia is part of that one. C: Aaaaahhh... the people from that band are so silly thoughh~~~ x3 They were made by my crazy cousins, though, so I should've expected nothing less. xDD
I'm having the hardest time capturing Loyal's character. D: Takara plays as her a lot, but no personality things really pop out for me. x_x;; It's too hard!! D: TAKARA! PLAY AS LOYAL MOREEEE!!! ;3; pretty much all I have right now is that she's the drummer. >_<; And she's spacy. She's very spacy. And her famous quote is "Whatta Jyerk!" (What a jerk, but said a little weird...)
Did I mention that all of the band members live in Boston? 8D I made Michka from Boston in the game, so I thought, "Why not??!" x3
Actually, Dare's from London. :D (The problem is is that I know next to nothing about Europe... >_>) But he moved to the US to live with his aunt when he was... 3 or 4. So he doesn't remember his parents very well.
That is until the band goes on tour in England. xD
Doo-de-doo.... This post is getting pretty long... Thanks for reading all the way down to here... maybe I should stop... OH WELL.
Onward! :D
Um... What was I gonna say.
I should talk about Rick, because he's one of the newest people of the band-y stuff. Like I said in his character profile, he's the band's tech dude. :3
It's stairwell. Rick Stairwell.
LIKE BRICK STAIRWELL. xDD There's a whole story about it, but the short version is my friend said "look at this brick stairwell" and I was like "That sounds like Rick. :D" and thus, his last name was born. xD
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with him yet... He's pretty much a supporting character. He plays the role of Dare's best friend. C: Yay.
Another character I might make appear is my other character in Rock Band, Teri. I just made her recently, so she'd probably only be there for like, a chapter. xD Whatever. :3
Bwehhh.... I'm really trying not to give away too much of the story, which is why I'm only talking about the characters. xD You guys probably know all that there is to know about them by now. (Well, not everything...)
You'd all probably like to hear about the story, huh? :3
well TOUGH. Because it's still a secret. xD
So then.
The good thing about this comic is that I pretty know what to happen in the end, and I have a pretty good beginning planned out. I also have a good amount of the middle. Problem is that I can't really piece it all together. D: That's the thing with me and comics. I pretty much improvise. x3