ch-ch-ch-ch, BOW!

Mood: Averaaage~
Currently working on: CLICK ME.
Recently added: Bleh., Alcott Stophcres

The title is from the song Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes. It's actually not lyrics from the song, but it's me trying to imitate one of the instruments. It's 2:44 to 2:47 in the video. (I SERIOUSLY RECCOMEND NOT WATCHING THE VIDEO. It's pretty gross. I mean, I can bear with it, but I don't know if some of you out there can.)
Anyways, back to business...
I'm back from my grandma's house! :D I bet you didn't even know I was gone. xDD
I'm having a feeling that Mr. Alcott... is not going to be a very popular character. Because he's pretty much a jerk. And he looks like a Ciel copy-cat. Ewww. I'm trying to make him not like Ciel, but I don't know how Ciel acts... >_> SO Yeah. Sorry to Alcott.
I'm going to try MY VERY HARDEST with this Dreams comic. Unlike with TAOMAR, I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO PLAN OUT THE CHAPTER PLOTS AND DIALOUGE BEFORE HAND! :DDDD Yay! That means I'll have a journal of all the beautiful stuff I work on for the comic! :D I'll try to make the drawings and characters not lazily drawn, too. Well, excluding Luli. She's allowed to be easily drawn.
It's gonna be a loooong time before I finish that comic from cover to cover....
And it'll all be done digitally... o_o;;
So I'll be working on the cover tomorrow... I have a week and a half to do it. I'll be leaving for Europe next friday. D: Think I'll get it done in time? x_x;; I don't even have a rough draft yet, or the color scheme of another character... >_____>;;
Catch ya later.
