Mood: Fairly good
Currenlty working on: Pic of Falorin, pic of Marth, "thank you pic", pic of... I dunno... A lot of other stuff.

Hey guys. It's the weekend. I'll try to get some pics done. My scanner's not working right now, though. It's a printer/scanner, so until the ink cartrage is changed, it... kinda stops working. xD;;;
But anyways!
I'm workin' on a pic of Marth! :D
And I kinda wanna do another screenshot. o3o
OH! And I've started my "Thanks for 2000+ hugs" pic. (It's actually closer to 3000 now... >_>;;) BUT. Yay. I'm sorry I'm so slow. D,: School is making me extremely busy. >3<
So anyways.
Does anyone here know Kanji?
If so, read the following question:

Do you know any kanji pronounced as "i", "chi", or "ichi" (not the number)? If so, what does the kanji mean?

I'll be posting a picture related to this question later, so it'll make more sense then.

