Mood: Mellow
Currently working on: Too much to say. D:

Today. I'm gonna go on a TAOMAR rant. And probably (accidentally) fit in some role playing (by accident).
TAOMAR'S BECOMING A SCHOOL STORY. Gahhh. When I first created TAOMAR (I was in 4th grade, I think... I never got past the 1st chapter), I had definately not inteded for it to be a school story. Back then, I got ideas for the story from my dreams. For example, the first chapter is from a dream I had! :O The chapter's main plot has stayed the same ever since 4th grade.
But originally, here's how the chapter went (sorta... this is the really choppy version because I don't remember it all.):

Roy: Hey Marth!
Marth: Hey Roy!
Roy: *Dresses Marth in girly clothing* Yay! Ahaha.
Marth: Grr. *Dresses Roy in girly clothing* Ahaha.
Roy: D: Nooo! My outfit doesn't match my eyes! (?!)
Marth: *Thinking* Muahaa. [To be exact, his laughter was "Muff Muff Muff"> Now that Roy looks girly, I'll embarass him by making him wear these clothes for a whole week (???). *Talking* Hey Roy. Buy me some muffins.
Roy: Wha-- *is shoved out the door* .... -_-+ *Goes to the bakery*
[By the way, Roy made a very beautiful woman, apparentally.]

*At the bakery*

Bakery dude: What can I get for you, ma'am?
Roy: Um... *tries to remember* What kind of muffins was I supposed to get...?
Marth: blah blah blah PUMPERNIKEL blah blah.
*end flashback*
Roy: OH YEAH. I'll have a dozen pumpernikel muffins. [I don't even know if muffins come in pumpernikel.]
Bakery dude: Sure thing. *Hands him the muffins*
Roy: Thanks. *Walks home*

*on the way home*

Roy: *Walking home*
Man: *Sees Roy and is lovestruck (?!), but doesn't talk to Roy* [In the version posted on theO, the man's name is Sajio. The biggest difference between him and Sajio is that Sajio is a classmate of Roys, while the man is a grown man of about 25-30. (Dx;;;) I'll refer to him as Sajio in this little story, though.]

*At home*

Roy: MAAARTHA! (hehe....) I'M BAAACK! :D
Marth: Did you get the muffins?
Roy: Yeah. Pumpernikel muffins.
Marth: I'm allergic to pumpernikel. D:< Just for that, you're going to have to dress like a girl for a whole week. (?)
Roy: Well... uh... then so do you.
Marth: Why?
Roy: Because you look like a girl anyways.

*The next day*

Roy: *Walking outside somewhere*
Sajio: *Sees Roy* GASP. It's YOU.
Roy: Eh? ._.
Sajio: Hey. My name's Sajio. What's yours? :D
Roy: Er... ROSIE... >_>
Sajio: Cool. Nice to meet you. HEY. WANNA GO OUT FOR DINNER?
Roy: Uhhhh.... >_____>;; Sure...?

<The next few scenes show Sajio and "Rosie" on their "dates" for the next few days. (Monday to Saturday). Sajio takes "Rosie" to a fancy dinner place on Saturday.>

*At dinner*

Sajio: Rosie.
Roy: Yeah...? o__o;;
Sajio: Will you marry me? *Pulls out a ring and all that jazz...*
Roy: O_O; Er--
Sajio: In fact, the marrage is already arranged for tomorrow. (???) I even picked out your dress. :D
Roy: But--
Sajio: SO IT'S DECIDED. WE GET MARRIED TOMORROW. 8D [>_>;; Yeah.] *Pays the check and leaves to go home*
Roy: o___________________o

*The next day, at the wedding*

Priest: *Saying marrage-y stuff*
Roy: O_O;;; *nervous*
Sajio: :D
Priest: *Gets to the stuff where you're supposed to say "I do" (of course)* Sajio. Do you?
Sajio: I do.
Priest: Rosie. Do you?
Roy: Uhh... well... ACTUALLY... I should tell you all that--
Marth: *Barges into the church (and somehow knows where Roy was)* ROY. Time's up. You can be a boy again.
Roy: Yay! :D
Sajio: Roy...? ._.
Roy: *Goes to a room and gets dressed into his normal, manly clothing* Yay. *Leaves*
Sajio: *Faints*


...Like I said, this is the really sloppy and choppy version.
As you can see, I was very irrational and unrealistic as a 4th grader. xD; Well. I hope you enjoyed that little story. :>
Have a good day! :D
