
Mood: Blahrgh. (?)
Currently working on: too much. Dx
Recently added: RB:SI pg. 2 (the title was too long, so I shortened it. xD), And he's back., Professor Layton, Dragonica Wallpaper

I forgot what I was gonna say. Dx
I have my first orchestra concert for the school year on wednesday. :D Too bad I'm COMPLETELY UNPREPARED. Dx Dx Well, not completely. :3 I've got about 1 song down... I'm gonna have to practice like the wind to get the rest of the songs engrained (??) in my head. xD

But also. I'm thinking about downloading the free-trial of Paintool SAI. o3o Y'know, just to see how it works and stuff. But I'm also afraid that it might do something to my computer. My computer is really virus'd and stuff, and I think it might make an ordinary program go out of whack. For example, when I installed my tablet, the scanner stopped working (for a while), and... other stuff. It's not really a big deal, but still.
Um. Yeah. So. Should... I download it? o3o Er. Sorry for always going to you guys when I need advice. xD;

Oh yeah, and recently, I've beed drawing people with oddly long necks. D: I remember in 7th grade, I used to draw necks like STUMPS. EW THEY WERE SO ugly. D: But now my people are starting to become GIRAFFES. Dx In a year or so, my drawings will have MILE LONG NECKS. Maybe. Worst possible scenerio.

Yup, that's all. Thanks for reading my horrobly stupid ranting. xD;;
