Since I still don't have any pictures...

Hey, check out this paper I wrote for world history class. It was supposed to be what would happen if people from a different planet came to earth, and the entire earth population was wiped out, and what the aliens thought of the things they found.

(Pictures are a fork, a pitchfork, a spoon, and a shovel.)

These items were found in many compartments of wooden blocks and shelf-like structures of the humans' shelters, with a standard size of about 4 or 5 inches long. We believe them to be torture and hunting devices for small and large animals alike, and perhaps even to other humans. The sharp pointed prongs on one tool was perfect for piercing into skin. (A fork, and the larger one, a pitchfork) The round and flat tool was used as a paddle for smacking smaller animals, with larger ones for big animals and humans. (A spoon, and the larger one a shovel.)

The pronged tool came in various sizes, from as small as 3 inches to several feet long. The longer, larger versions of this tool must have been used for torturing large animals or humans, as it is built sturdier and with sharper points. We think that the smaller versions were used to discipline and/or torture smaller animals, such as pets or slaves.

The "torture tools", as we call them, didn't only com in many sizes, but also in many different designs. The roundish tool would sometimes be very hollow and used to smack indents into the animals skin. (A teaspoon or tablespoon) The flatter ones would produce excruciating pain when slapped against an animal. (A spoon for soup) The pronged tool would usually have 2 to 5 prongs on the end, though we're not quite sure what difference it makes yet. Perhaps the torture treatment is more effective with 5 prongs than 2?

Both tools had intricate designs on the handles, showing just how artistic these humans are, though to come up with such horrifying devices, they must have been a cruel species.

....I'm such a gruesome person without even realizing it. Dx
Yes, I did actually turn this in. I think I got 100. xD;; Oh, but I just added in the parenthesis parts for your convenience.
