
Currenlty working on: Pic of Luli (coloring), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas
Recently added: Falorin (Line Art), Multitasking, Realism 3

HEY GUYS! I CAN COLOR (traditionally) AGAIN!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD I'm so happeehhhh~~~
But you won't get to see my coloring until I finish that picture of Luli. C: Actually, I've gotten more than halfway through the coloring today! ^_^ Yay! :D So I'm really pleased about that...
Oh! And I sketched (and started inking) a picture of Lucas, like I said I would. xD (To know what I'm talking about, go here.) Yeah. I wasn't kidding. I really did want to draw him. xD His head was really hard to draw because it's so... ODDLY SHAPED....
Speaking of Lucas, this reminds me of a story that happened in school today. :D
So I was showing my picture of Lucas to my friends, and I was explaining who he was and stuff. Then my friend who doesn't even watch anime says "Oh, you mean he's the guy from the episode with the ship?" and I was like, "....YEAH!!" It was just really surprising that he new what I was talking about. xD;;
You: that was the stupidest story I've ever heard.
Sorry, then.
Ahem. Yeah. LATERZ. x3
