
Mood: I have to pee.
Currenlty working on: STUFF, PUNK. xD
Recently added: Luli

Hey guys. I bet that judging from the title, you think I"m going to be talking about my comic Dreams
But you're wrong! Ahaha. xD
I'm telling you about a dream I had about a month or 2 ago. (I don't think I told it to you yet.)

So. In this dream are the characters from Tales of the Abyss. Mostly Jade Curtiss.
So the Tales of the Abyss crew are underground, underneath this mansion-y place, looking for something. (I don't remember what.) So here's how the scene goes:

Jade: *His phone rings (I don't know why he has a phone.)*

Luke: Eh? Who's that, Jade?

Jade: *on the phone* Hello? *to Luke* It's my boyfriend.

Everyone: Boyfriend?!


Jade: Look, guys!
<This weird human-sized frog standing on its hind legs and wearing a jester outfit walks in>
Jade: *Hugs the frog thing* It's my boyfriend! ♥♥

Everyone: What the heck? *sweatdrop*

The end
That really happened in the dream.
Anyways, I feel the need to draw that. Along with other miscellanious comic strips. xD AND I WILL. JUST YOU WAIT.
>:[ This is my determind face.
>:{[ And this is my determind face with a mustache! 8D No, I don't have a mustache.
