Mood: I WANT TO KNOW (about accents)
Currenlty working on: MY NEW OC DAMION. YESS. He's gorgeous. (Well, maybe not gorgeous, but I think he's handsom. C:)
Recenlty added: Nicholay Paint

HEY. ANY BRITISH-ACCENT SPEAKERS OUT THERE? (That sounded kind of rude. I apologize.) Yeah. But if you're from the UK, I have a few questions about accents and the UK in general. I'm doing this to better understand my characters from different countries. I may do this with other places as well... So yeah. HERE I GO

By the way, the examples are (somewhat stereotypical) american variants of the questions. (if that makes sense...)

1) Have you ever tried to do an American accent impression? If so, what sounds are usually exaggerated and what words are commonly associated? (example: A typical amercian impression of an english accent exaggerates the "i" sound in "like" as "loik", makes the "a" sound like "ahh" and "oo" sound as "ew" (making bathroom "bahhthrewm".), and uses "refined" language. :/ Yeah.)

2) What are some different accents in the UK? (For this one, please tell me the general area it's in and if possible, find a recording so I know what it sounds like.) (Example: Boston/New England in Northeast America, southern accent is usually associated in Texas, ect...)

3) This is kind of my fault, but what's the difference between United Kingdom and Great Britain? xD;; I use them interchangably... is it kind of like how America and United States are used interchangably? :I

4) What do you call the United States? (USA, America, maybe even something completely different...?) Just curious... kind of like how I use both Great Britain and UK. -3- When I was in 4th grade, I used to think Great Britain and England were the same place. >_<;;

5) Oh, and I almost forgot. What are some popular slang words over there? xD;; I really have no clue.

So, uh... YEAH! It would be greatly appreciated if you could answer at least some of these questions. >3< IT WOULD BE IMMENSELY HELPFUL!! :DDDD

I'M ABOUT 40 HUGS AWAY FROM 3000!!! Which is nishe (nice). :3
