Mood: Cold.
Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), "Fancy" Outfit Desings (for Michka, Zack, Dare, and Loyal), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture, pic of Tomato, Gob (from Rave Master)

Yeah. It's a song. It goes with the title of this post. If you can tell me who it's by, I'll make you an icon or something. Eventually.
So yeah.
You know what I hate?
When it's really cold in the morning, and I'm typing on the computer, and my fingers get really cold because it's really cold in the mornings when it's winter. Then I have to put my hands under warm water just to make them not numb and cold anymore. BUT THEN, the skin on my hands tries to reach homeostasis/equilibrium with the FREAKISHLY COLD AIR, making my hands almost instantly cold again.
It'd be so much better if it was swinter.

In other news, I got a freaky large amount of pageviews on DA today. (Well... 38. That's a lot more than the usual 3 or 4.)
