Fleetwood Mac

Mood: Joyous
Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), "Fancy" Outfit Desings (for Michka, Zack, Dare, and Loyal), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture, pic of Tomato, Gob (from Rave Master)
Recently added: idiotic person in which I doodle, Gobby Goodness

We have nearly a foot and a half of snow here, and IT'S STILL SNOWIN' HARD! It's pretty amazing. It doesn't snow a lot where I live, and there's usually no snow until january. :DDDD Hopefully it'll be snowy during Christmas. ^_^
But alas...
I have no snow pants... :< I went out in the snow earlier, and my legs were so numb afterwards.... Dx
I hope everyone's having a good weekend, and I hope you all have a good Christmas. ^___^ Yay. 8D
By the way, I'm listening to a Fleetwood Mac concert on TV, which is why I titled this post Fleetwood Mac.
