
Mood: Satisfied
Currently working on: Secret Santa pic, King-Sama picture, KirSor Christmas (for Den-chan), pic of Lucy (for DetectiveDiva18), Zack beach picture (?!), a pic of Mikato and Ichio, Thanks for the Hugs picture (featuring Marth, Ike, Roy, and Pit), a character desing for my friend, Arianna (a new character of mine), Pic of Basil (from Harvest Moon), Pic of Ray (from Harvest Moon), pic of Falorin, pic of Lucas (case closed), Upside-down picture
Recently added: RB:SI pg 5

I've finally decided.
You may or may not remember this from many posts ago, but I've decided what to do with Rinchu.
Instead of making the entire 3rd chapter about Marth and Rinchu, I'm going to skip that and go straight to the chapter that was going to be chapter 4. :3 But! I'm going to incorporate some of the Rinchu-Marth chapter into it.
So yay! I'm quite the satisfied. :D I get to go straight to the chapter I want to draw, Rinchu won't be as annoying because the whole chapter won't be about her, Marth gets to be a man, and I get to use all the characters I wanted to use from the beginning. ^^ YES! >:D
So yeah.
Compromise! :3
