Mood: I have a stomach ache
Currenlty working on: Too much for me to handle. D:
Recently added: Why did I use such a long title for this picture...

So. I'm going to Katsucon tomorrow. Yay. :D
Unfortunately because of the snow, I didn't get to finish my Dare costume completely. (I didn't get gloves or a belt and stuff...)
EVEN MORE UNFORTUNATE, my CCS wig didn't come in because of the snow. :< Beh. I guess the costume will have to do w/o the wig. D: Maybe I'll wear my Dare wig... (no)
Oh! I forgot to mention, but I'll be in the Masquerade-skit thing for Katsucon. ;D You'll probably recognize me if you watch it. xD
I'm so PUMPED.
