
Mood: Relieved
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I finished my homework early today. 8D
So I'm going to post here and stuff. xD I guess I'll talk about school...
I'm reading a book called A Tale of Two Cities for English class. I didn't really like it in the beginning, but it's starting to grow on me. xD;; There's only about 2 chapters left in the book, though. ;~;
The book is really old... it was written in the 1800s by Charles Dickens, an English writer. So there's a lot of vocabulary, and it's difficult to read. (Which is why I didn't really like it. xD;)
I'm probably starting to like it because of SYDNEY CARTON. He's so cool. YEAH. YOU'VE GOT NOTHING ON HIM, CHARLES DARNAY. (You have to read the book to get that...) I also like JARVIS LORRY (a 70 year-old bank-teller) because 1) His name is cool and 2) He was funny (?) in the beginning. He's also a nice old man, and nice old men are cool. :D (Takara, if you're reading this, I don't have quite the same obsession of nice old men that you have. xD)
I'm probably going to start drawing the characters. 8D Mostly SYDNEY CARTON. ...because, actually, he's the most attractive in my mind, and I'm not good at drawing not "BEAUTIFUL" people... (All my characters are too pretty. I need to make some less attractive characters...)
I also want to draw Sydney becasue I kind of want to draw scenes in the book, and I like a particular scene with Sidney best. ;D
I just need to practice DRAWING now.
Well, that was a good rant on nothing.
Have a gorgeous rest of the day! :D

Edit: as I post this, I have 7777 views on this world. WOAAHHH. xD
