
Mood: Almost tired
Currently working on: That line art I recently uploaded... yeah. I'm coloring it.

Lalala. I got my CCS wig in, and I thought it looked a lot more blonde than brown. So I decided to put it on with a red hat, and take some pictures of me as RICK. Only one came out good, though. So then I thought I might as well post it to show you all how wicked fresh (?!) I looked. But then I was like, "while I'm at it, I may as well post some other pictures of me, too. :>"
And so.
I am posting today 3 pictures of me. WOAHH MAN.

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....CREEPY, RIGHT??? Uh. Yeah, I'm wearing the Dare wig... but the hair is messed up. x3 Takara took this picture of me when we were at the convention.
My neck looks really skinny. 8D;

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Look how pretteh. xD This is me pretending to be Rick, wearing my CCS wig. The bangs are really long, and I need to cut them. D: ...I had a hard time getting the hat on... It's my dad's hat, by the way. x3

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Yeah... I didn't do my hair, obvously. I like to keep it out of my face and in a bun. If I take it out of the bun, it's REALLY frizzy. x3
I'm posing for a picture I want to draw. o3o

YAY. That's all. x3
I have a picture to upload, soon!!! :D
