Busy busy

Mood: Busy? xD
Currently working on: A lot

I'm going to be busy for the next couple of weeks, so I don't know whow often I'll be on and stuff. x3
I've got ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL NEXT WEEEKKK!!! :D Our orchestra played a pre-festival concert yesterday. I was majorly nervous, and I have a lot to work on for next thursday. xD;
My orchestra teacher said he's going to post the recording on the school website, so maybe I'll post it later for you all to hear. :D

I also have to draw a picture in ONE WEEK. And you guys know me... I take a million years to draw a picture.
Furthermore, I have to draw the picture based on Takara's poem. And it's a super abstract poem, and I don't know what to draw for it. (Takara, can I post it? xD;;)
So that's that...

Uh... I have a lot of pictures I want to color... :D;
